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Dateiname: 240704_U_FEA_PHT01.jpg
Datum: 04.07.2024
Ort: Bonn
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky
Caption: Thema: RasurThema: Rasur, Bonn, 04.07.2024.
Stichworte: creative XCRE Feature Symbolfoto Symbolbild Symbol picture symbol image Symbol Symbole Symbolisch symbols symbolic Featurethemen Dreck dreckig dreckige dreckiges dreckiger Schmutz schmutzig schmutzige schmutziger schmutziges Dirty Zwaenge Zwang Constraints forced Fuersorge Welfare weich soft Rasur rasieren Bart Bartwuchs Rasierschaum Rasierer Rasiermesser Koerperpflege Pflege Mann Spiegel symbol photo symbol image featurethemes dirt dirtier filthy dirtying constraints care shave shaving beard beard growth shaving cream razor body care grooming man mirror
Dateiname: 220503_TBER_PHT053.jpg
Datum: 03.05.2022
Ort: Grossmutz
Bildnachweis: Thomas Trutschel/
Caption: Verlassenes HausGrosse Baeume wachsen vor einem baufaelligen verlassenen Haus. Grossmutz, 03.05.2022
Stichworte: Feature Symbolfoto Symbolbild Symbol picture symbol image Symbol Symbole Symbolisch symbols symbolic Negativ Dreck dreckig dreckige dreckiges dreckiger Schmutz schmutzig schmutzige schmutziger schmutziges Dirty alt alte alter altes old Sehr Alt Uralt Very old trist dreary Verfall Expiration verfallen verwittert weathered kaputt broken verlassen verlassenes Architektur Architecture Aussenansicht Aussen Aussenaufnahme Exterior exterior shot Fachwerk Fachwerkhaus Fachwerkhaeuser Half-timbered half-timbered house half-timbered houses Dorf Village Immobilien Property Eigenheim Haus home house Altbau Old building Gebaeude Haeuser Building houses Einfamilienhaus Single Family Huette Huetten Hut huts Laendlich Country doerflich Land Landhaus baufaellig renovierungsbeduerftig Ruine Bauruine abrissreif symbol photo symbol picture negative dirt filthy filthier older ancient decay decayed abandoned exterior view rural country house dilapidated in need of renovation ruin derelict ready for demolition Brandenburg
Dateiname: 220503_TBER_PHT052.jpg
Dateiname: 200405_TFEA_PHT40.jpg
Datum: 05.04.2020
Ort: Berlin
Bildnachweis: Thomas Trutschel/photothek
Caption: HausarbeitSymbolbild zum Thema Putzen. Ein Eimer mit schmutzigem Wasser, Gummihandschuhen und Lappen steht auf einem Fussboden. Berlin, 05.04.2020.
Stichworte: Feature Symbolfoto Symbolbild Symbol picture symbol image Symbol Symbole Symbolisch symbols symbolic creative Menschenleer Niemand Keine Person Keine Personen Keiner Kein Mensch Keine Menschen Nobody no person no people No one Detail Nahaufnahme close-up Von Oben Vogelperspektive From above bird's eye view Stilleben Stillleben Still Still Life Am Tag tagsueber Tageslicht On the day daytime daylight Textfreiraum Text freier Raum Copyspace Copy Space Text Blank Alltag all-day all day Haushalt household Hausarbeit House Work putzen brush clean cleaning Arbeit Working business Minijob Minijobs Geringfuegig Beschaeftigte mini-jobs marginal employment Eimer schmutzig Schmutz Schmutzwasser wischen Bucket dirty dirt filthy dirty water mop wipe Holzdielen Wasser wooden floorboards water wood floor
Dateiname: 200405_TFEA_PHT39.jpg
Dateiname: 120326_UDUEL_PHT23.jpg
Datum: 25.03.2012
Ort: Duelmen
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +492195932470, www. photothek .net. Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt ! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: FussballspielenVater und Sohn spielen Fussball. Duelmen, Deutschland. 25.03.2012. MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, MODEL RELEASED . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Zwei, two, zwei Personen, two persons, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Freizeit, free timne, leisure time, Freizeitaktivitaet, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Freizeitvergnuegen, leisure time activity, leisure activity, Spiel, Spiele, Spielen, game, games, playing, spielend, spielende, spielender, spielendes, Familie, family, Vater, father, Sohn, son, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 45-50 Jahre, 45-50 years, 45-50, Kind, Kinder, child, children, Schulkind, schoolchild, school age child, Junge, boy, Jungs, Jungen, boys, 12-14 Jahre, 12-14 years, 12-14, Aktivitaet, Aktiv, activity, Energie, Energisch, energy, active, Fitness, Fit, Schwung, Schwungvoll, movement, exercise, mobility, Sport, Fussball, soccer, football, Landschaft, landscape, scenery, Im Gruenen, Fruehling, spring, Sommer, summer, Ball, Fussballspielen, Fuss, Fuesse, Bein, Beine, foot, feet, leg, legs, barfuss, barfuessig, barfuessige, barfuessiger, barfuessiges, barefoot, barefooted, dreckig, Dreck, schmutzig, Schmutz, dirty, dirt, mud, muddy, filthy, Gras, grass, gruen, gruenes, green, Maennersport, Detail, Nahaufnahme, closeup view, close-up view
Dateiname: 120312_TFEA_PHT01.jpg
Datum: 12.03.2012
Ort: Kabul
Bildnachweis: Thomas Trutschel/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +493028097440 - - Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: HerrentoiletteHerrentoilette in Kabul, Afghanistan. 12.03.2012. Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Uebersicht, overview, Textfreiraum, Text freier Raum, copy space, Spiegelung, Spiegelbild, gespiegelt, mirror image, mirror picture, mirrored, Spiegelbilder, Spiegelungen, reflections, mirror pictures, reflektieren, reflektiert, widerspiegeln, spiegeln, reflection, Reflektion, reflect, reflecting, Feature, Gesundheit, health, Hygiene, hygienisch, hygienische, hygienischer, hygienisches, hygienic, sanitary, unhygienisch, unhygienische, unhygienischer, unhygienisches, unhygienic, nicht hygienisch, unsanitary, afghanisch, afghanische, afghanischer, afghanisches, Afghan, Afghanistan, Kabul, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Wasser, water, Wasserleitung, Wasserleitungen, water pipe, water pipeline, water pipes, water pipelines, heruntergekommen, heruntergekommener, heruntergekommenes, verfallen, verfallenes, verfallener, derelict, Dreck, dreckig, dreckige, dreckiges, dreckiger, dirty, dirt, Schmutz, schmutzig, schmutzige, schmutziger, schmutziges, filth, filthy, Toilette, WC, Klo, Bad, Badezimmer, oeffentlich, oeffentliche, oeffentlicher, oeffentliches, toilet, bathroom, lavatory, restroom, rest room, water-closet, public, Zustand, Zustaende, condition, schlecht, schlechte, Toilettenbecken, Toilettenschuessel, Urinal, Urinale, verschmutzt, verschmutzte, verschmutztes, verschmutzter, verunreinigt, verunreinigte, verunreinigter, verunreinigtes, WC-Schuessel, Pinkelbecken, Pissoir, Klobecken, Klos, toilets, restrooms, messy, defiled, urinals, zwei, two, Kacheln, tiles, Herrentoilette, Herrentoiletten, Toiletten, Maennerklo, Maennerklos, Herrenklo, Herrenklos, mens bathroom, men's, men's room, men's toilet, the Gents, gents, Schlauch, Schlaeuche, Wasserschlauch, Wasserschlaeuche, water hose, hose, garden hose
Dateiname: 120312_TFEA_PHT02.jpg
Stichworte: Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Uebersicht, overview, Feature, Gesundheit, health, Hygiene, hygienisch, hygienische, hygienischer, hygienisches, hygienic, sanitary, unhygienisch, unhygienische, unhygienischer, unhygienisches, unhygienic, nicht hygienisch, unsanitary, afghanisch, afghanische, afghanischer, afghanisches, Afghan, Afghanistan, Kabul, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Wasser, water, Wasserleitung, Wasserleitungen, water pipe, water pipeline, water pipes, water pipelines, heruntergekommen, heruntergekommener, heruntergekommenes, verfallen, verfallenes, verfallener, derelict, Dreck, dreckig, dreckige, dreckiges, dreckiger, dirty, dirt, Schmutz, schmutzig, schmutzige, schmutziger, schmutziges, filth, filthy, Toilette, WC, Klo, Bad, Badezimmer, oeffentlich, oeffentliche, oeffentlicher, oeffentliches, toilet, bathroom, lavatory, restroom, rest room, water-closet, public, Zustand, Zustaende, condition, schlecht, schlechte, Toilettenbecken, Toilettenschuessel, Urinal, Urinale, verschmutzt, verschmutzte, verschmutztes, verschmutzter, verunreinigt, verunreinigte, verunreinigter, verunreinigtes, WC-Schuessel, Pinkelbecken, Pissoir, Klobecken, Klos, toilets, restrooms, messy, defiled, urinals, drei, three, Kacheln, tiles, Herrentoilette, Herrentoiletten, Toiletten, Maennerklo, Maennerklos, Herrenklo, Herrenklos, mens bathroom, men's, men's room, men's toilet, the Gents, gents, Schlauch, Schlaeuche, Wasserschlauch, Wasserschlaeuche, water hose, hose, garden hose
Dateiname: 120323_USCANN_PHT47.jpg
Datum: 10.03.2012
Ort: Sanaa
Caption: Menschen in SanaaBettler in der Hauptstadt des Jemen, Sanaa. 10.03.2012 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, NO MODEL RELEASE . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Hochformat, HF, Upright Format, Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Feature, Alltag, everyday life, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 60-65 Jahre, 60-65 years, 60-65, Aeltere Menschen, elderly people, Alter Mann, old man, elderly man, Alte Maenner, old men, elderly men, Soziales, social, Armut, arm, aermlich, poverty, poorness, Beduerftigkeit, poor, beduerftig, miserable, in need, Elend, Not, misery, sordidness, neediness, Einheimische, locals, natives, Einheimischer, local, native, Gesellschaft, society, Lebensform, way of life, Lebensstil, lifestyle, Obdachlos, Obdachlosigkeit, homeless, homelessness, Obdachloser, Obdachlose, homeless person, street person, the homeless, Stadt, city, Grossstadt, Grosstadt, Metropole, metropolis, large city, big town, Hauptstadt, capitol, Stadtleben, city life, Strassenszene, street setting, street scenery, Laender, countries, Bettler, beggar, Bart, beard, Jemenit, Jemeniten, jemenitisch, jemenitische, jemenitischer, jemenitisches, Yemeni, Yemenite, Jemen, Sanaa, Yemen, heruntergekommen, lazar, panhandler, mendicant, poor beggar, betteln, begging, panhandling, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, schmutzig, dirty, dreckig, Dreck, Schmutz, dirt, filthy
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT40.jpg
Datum: 15.08.2011
Ort: Nairobi
Bildnachweis: Thomas Koehler/
Caption: Slum in Nairobi, Kenia|Slum in Nairobi, KenyaSlum in Nairobi, Kenia. 15.08.2011. | Slum in Nairobi, Kenya. 15.08.2011. |Copyright: Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Wellblech, Wellblechhuetten, Wellblechhuette, Huette, Huetten, Menschen, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Einheimische, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Slumbewohner, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Stadt, Strassenszene, Stadtleben, Afrika, Nairobi, Kenia, staubig, Staub, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, heruntergekommen, aermlich, Uebersicht|corrugated iron, corrugated iron huts, corrugated iron hut, hut, cabins, huts, human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, Developing country, Developing countries, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Locals, society, Mode of life, life style, Slum dwellers, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, city, town, Street Scene, City life, Africa, Kenya, dusty, Dust, mud, dirt, Dirty, muddy, filthy, dilapidated, poor, general view
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT44.jpg
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT42.jpg
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT22.jpg
Caption: Waescheleine in Nairobi|Clothesline in NairobiWaescheleine neben einer Muellhalde in einem Armenviertel ( Eastleigh )in Nairobi, Kenia. KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden. 15.08.2011. | Laundry line beside a garbage dump in a slum (Eastleigh) in Nairobi, Kenya. NO MODEL RELEASE available. 15.08.2011. |Copyright: Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Menschen, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Frau, Frauen, weiblich, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Einheimische, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Slumbewohner, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Nairobi, Kenia, Afrika, Waescheleine, Waesche, Sauberkeit, Klamotten, Kleidung, Haus, Haeuser, Gebaeude, Eastleigh, Afrikanerin, aermlich, Lebensbedingungen, Leine, Umweltverschmutzung, Abfall, Muell, Haushaltsmuell, Muellberg, Abfallberg, Abfallberge, Muellhalde, Muellkippe, Schmutz, schmutzig, Plastikmuell, Plastik, Muellberge|human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, woman, women, female, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Locals, society, Mode of life, life style, Slum dwellers, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, Developing country, Developing countries, Kenya, Africa, clothes line, Laundry, Cleanliness, clothes, rags, house, houses, Building, African woman, poor, living conditions, cord, Pollution, Waste, garbage, Household garbage, Garbage mountain, Waste mountain, Waste mountains, Dump, garbage dump, dirt, dirty, muddy, filthy, Plastic waste, Plastic, garbage mountains
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT46.jpg
Stichworte: Wellblech, Wellblechhuetten, Wellblechhuette, Huette, Huetten, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Stadt, Stadtleben, Afrika, Nairobi, Kenia, staubig, Staub, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, heruntergekommen, aermlich, Uebersicht, Dach, Daecher, Wellblechdach, Wellblechdaecher, Menschen, Waescheleine, Waesche, Leine|corrugated iron, corrugated iron huts, corrugated iron hut, hut, cabins, huts, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, Developing country, Developing countries, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, city, town, City life, Africa, Kenya, dusty, Dust, mud, dirt, Dirty, muddy, filthy, dilapidated, poor, general view, roof, roofs, corrugated iron roof, corrugated iron roofs, human beings, clothes line, Laundry, line
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT51.jpg
Stichworte: Wellblech, Wellblechhuetten, Wellblechhuette, Huette, Huetten, Hochformat, HF, Feature, Alltag, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Stadt, Stadtleben, Afrika, Nairobi, Kenia, staubig, Staub, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, heruntergekommen, aermlich, Uebersicht, Dach, Daecher, Wellblechdach, Wellblechdaecher, Menschen|corrugated iron, corrugated iron huts, corrugated iron hut, hut, cabins, huts, Portrait format, vertical format, Everyday life, Developing country, Developing countries, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, city, town, City life, Africa, Kenya, dusty, Dust, mud, dirt, Dirty, muddy, filthy, dilapidated, poor, general view, roof, roofs, corrugated iron roof, corrugated iron roofs, people
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT41.jpg
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT52.jpg
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT23.jpg
Caption: Muellberg in Nairobi|Garbage dump in NairobiMuellhalde in einem Armenviertel ( Eastleigh )in Nairobi, Kenia. KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden. 15.08.2011. | Garbage dump in a slum (Eastleigh) in Nairobi, Kenya. NO MODEL RELEASE available. 15.08.2011. |Copyright: Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Menschen, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Kind, Kinder, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Einheimische, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Slumbewohner, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Nairobi, Kenia, Afrika, Eastleigh, aermlich, Lebensbedingungen, Umweltverschmutzung, Abfall, Muell, Haushaltsmuell, Muellberg, Abfallberg, Abfallberge, Muellhalde, Muellkippe, Schmutz, schmutzig, Plastikmuell, Plastik, Muellberge, Junge, Blick in die Kamera, Muellfeld|human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, child, children, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Locals, society, Mode of life, life style, Slum dwellers, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, Developing country, Developing countries, Kenya, Africa, poor, living conditions, Pollution, Waste, garbage, Household garbage, Garbage mountain, Waste mountain, Waste mountains, Dump, garbage dump, dirt, dirty, muddy, filthy, Plastic waste, Plastic, mountains of garbage, boy, Looking to the camera, field of garbage
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT57.jpg
Caption: Slum in Nairobi, Kenia|Slum in Nairobi, KenyaKinder in einem Slum in Nairobi, Kenia. 15.08.2011. | Children in a slum in Nairobi, Kenya. 15.08.2011. |Copyright: Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Hochformat, HF, Feature, Alltag, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Afrika, Nairobi, Kenia, aermlich, Menschen, Kind, Kinder, Maedchen, 6-8 Jahre, Blick in die Kamera, Strassenszene, Strasse, Schmutz, schmutzig, Dreck, dreckig, Waescheleine, Waesche, Leine|Portrait format, vertical format, Everyday life, Developing country, Developing countries, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, Africa, Kenya, poor, human beings, child, children, girl, 6-8 years, Looking to the camera, Street Scene, street, dirt, dirty, muddy, filthy, mud, clothes line, Laundry, line
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT45.jpg
Stichworte: Wellblech, Wellblechhuetten, Wellblechhuette, Huette, Huetten, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Stadt, Stadtleben, Afrika, Nairobi, Kenia, staubig, Staub, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, heruntergekommen, aermlich, Uebersicht, Dach, Daecher, Wellblechdach, Wellblechdaecher|corrugated iron, corrugated iron huts, corrugated iron hut, hut, cabins, huts, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, Developing country, Developing countries, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, city, town, City life, Africa, Kenya, dusty, Dust, mud, dirt, Dirty, muddy, filthy, dilapidated, poor, general view, roof, roofs, corrugated iron roof, corrugated iron roofs
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT55.jpg
Stichworte: Wellblech, Wellblechhuetten, Wellblechhuette, Huette, Huetten, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Stadt, Stadtleben, Afrika, Nairobi, Kenia, staubig, Staub, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, heruntergekommen, aermlich, Uebersicht, Dach, Daecher, Wellblechdach, Wellblechdaecher, Menschen|corrugated iron, corrugated iron huts, corrugated iron hut, hut, cabins, huts, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, Developing country, Developing countries, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, city, town, City life, Africa, Kenya, dusty, Dust, mud, dirt, Dirty, muddy, filthy, dilapidated, poor, general view, roof, roofs, corrugated iron roof, corrugated iron roofs, people
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT54.jpg
Stichworte: Wellblech, Wellblechhuetten, Wellblechhuette, Huette, Huetten, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Stadt, Stadtleben, Afrika, Nairobi, Kenia, staubig, Staub, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, heruntergekommen, aermlich, Uebersicht, Dach, Daecher, Wellblechdach, Wellblechdaecher, Menschen, Einzelperson, Mann, Junger Mann, 20-25 Jahre|corrugated iron, corrugated iron huts, corrugated iron hut, hut, cabins, huts, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, Developing country, Developing countries, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, city, town, City life, Africa, Kenya, dusty, Dust, mud, dirt, Dirty, muddy, filthy, dilapidated, poor, general view, roof, roofs, corrugated iron roof, corrugated iron roofs, human beings, Individual, single person, Man, Young man, 20 -25 years
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT48.jpg
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT49.jpg
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT50.jpg
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT39.jpg
Stichworte: Wellblech, Wellblechhuetten, Wellblechhuette, Huette, Huetten, Menschen, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Einheimische, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Slumbewohner, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Stadt, Strassenszene, Stadtleben, Afrika, Nairobi, Kenia, staubig, Staub, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, heruntergekommen, aermlich|corrugated iron, corrugated iron huts, corrugated iron hut, hut, cabins, huts, human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, Developing country, Developing countries, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Locals, society, Mode of life, life style, Slum dwellers, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, city, town, Street Scene, City life, Africa, Kenya, dusty, Dust, mud, dirt, Dirty, muddy, filthy, dilapidated, poor
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT47.jpg
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT37.jpg
Caption: Marabus auf Muellhalde in Nairobi|Marabou storks on a garbage dump in NairobiMarabus auf einer Muellhalde in einem Armenviertel ( Eastleigh )in Nairobi. Kenia. 15.08.2011, | Marabou storks on a garbage dump in a slum (Eastleigh) in Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya. 15.08.2011, |Copyright: Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: kein Mensch, Niemand, Querformat, QF, Feature, Alltag, Soziales, Armut, Elend, Not, Einheimische, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Slum, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Slumbewohner, Verslumen, Verslumung, Provisorium, Verslumt, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Nairobi, Kenia, Afrika, Eastleigh, aermlich, Lebensbedingungen, Umweltverschmutzung, Abfall, Muell, Haushaltsmuell, Muellberg, Abfallberg, Abfallberge, Muellhalde, Muellkippe, Schmutz, schmutzig, Plastikmuell, Plastik, Muellberge, Muellfeld, Marabu, Marabus, Aasfresser, Vogel, Voegel, Tier, Tiere, dreckig, unhygienisch, Hygiene, Muelldepot, Muelldepots, Muellplatz, Muellplaetze|No one, Nobody, Landscape format, horizontal format, Everyday life, social, Poverty, misery, Distress, Locals, society, Mode of life, life style, Slum dwellers, Urban decay, temporary solution, slums, Developing country, Developing countries, Kenya, Africa, poor, living conditions, Pollution, Waste, garbage, Household garbage, Garbage mountain, Waste mountain, Waste mountains, Dump, garbage dump, dirt, dirty, muddy, filthy, Plastic waste, Plastic, mountains of garbage, field of garbage, Marabou stork, Marabou storks, scavenger, bird, birds, animal, animals, Unhygienic, landfill, landfills, waste disposal site, waste disposal sites
Dateiname: 110815_KBZK_PHT43.jpg
Dateiname: 110506_TBMZ_PHT28.jpg
Datum: 06.05.2011
Ort: Belgrad
Caption: Roma-Siedlung unter einer Eisenbahnbruecke in Belgrad | Roma settlement under a railway bridge in BelgradePortrait eines Kindes aus der Roma-Siedlung . Belgrad , Serbien . 06.05.2011 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Portrait of a child from the Roma settlement . Belgrade , Serbia . 06.05.2011 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/ |
Stichworte: Feature, Hochformat, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Armenviertel, Provisorium, Roma-Siedlung, Roma, Bevoelkerungsgruppe, ethnische, kulturelle, Minderheit, Minderheiten, Belgrad, Balkan, Serbien, Suedosteuropa, Osteuropa, Roma Viertel, Viertel, Sinti und Roma, soziales Leben, Siedlungsraum, Zigeuner, Slum, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Verslumt, Menschen, Kind, Kinder, Kleinkind, Bewohner, Slumbewohner, Portraet, 3-5 Jahre, schmutzig, dreckig, Schmutz, Dreck, verdreckt, dreckige, Kleidung, heruntergekommen, Strassenkind, Strassenjunge, Junge, Jogginghose, traurig | Feature, Portrait format, social, society, Mode of life, life style, temporary solution, Roma camp, population group, ethnic, cultural, minority, minorities, Belgrade, Balkans, Serbia, Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe, Roma district, District, Sinti and Roma, social life, settlement area, Gypsy, Urban decay, slums, human beings, child, children, Toddler, inhabitants, Slum dwellers, Portrait, 3-5 years, dirty, muddy, filthy, dirt, mud, clothes, dilapidated, street child, street boy, boy, jogging pants, sad
Dateiname: 110506_TBMZ_PHT30.jpg
Caption: Roma-Siedlung unter einer Eisenbahnbruecke in Belgrad | Roma settlement under a railway bridge in BelgradeSpielende Kindes in einer Roma-Siedlung . Belgrad , Serbien . 06.05.2011 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Children playing in a Roma settlement . Belgrade , Serbia . 06.05.2011 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/ |
Stichworte: Feature, Querformat, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Armenviertel, Provisorium, Roma-Siedlung, Roma, Bevoelkerungsgruppe, ethnische, kulturelle, Minderheit, Minderheiten, Belgrad, Balkan, Serbien, Suedosteuropa, Osteuropa, Roma Viertel, Viertel, Sinti und Roma, soziales Leben, Siedlungsraum, Zigeuner, Slum, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Verslumt, Menschen, Kind, Kinder, Kleinkind, Bewohner, Slumbewohner, 1-3 Jahre, 3-5 Jahre, schmutzig, dreckig, Schmutz, Dreck, verdreckt, dreckige, Kleidung, heruntergekommen, Strassenkind, Strassenkinder, Strassenjunge, Junge, Maedchen, laufende Nase, Rotze, verrotzt, Schleim, schleimig, verwahrlost, verwahrlosen, verwahrlostes | Feature, Landscape format, horizontal format, social, society, Mode of life, life style, temporary solution, Roma camp, population group, ethnic, cultural, minority, minorities, Belgrade, Balkans, Serbia, Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe, Roma district, District, Sinti and Roma, social life, settlement area, Gypsy, Urban decay, slums, human beings, child, children, Toddler, inhabitants, Slum dwellers, 1-3 years, 3-5 years, dirty, muddy, filthy, dirt, mud, clothes, dilapidated, street child, Street children, street boy, boy, girl, runny nose, snot, snotty, mucus, slimy, Neglected, neglect
Dateiname: 110506_TBMZ_PHT33.jpg
Caption: Roma-Siedlung unter einer Eisenbahnbruecke in Belgrad | Roma settlement under a railway bridge in BelgradePortraet eines Kindes in der Roma-Siedlung . Belgrad , Serbien . 06.05.2011 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Portrait of a child from the Roma settlement . Belgrade , Serbia . 06.05.2011 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/ |
Stichworte: Feature, Querformat, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Armenviertel, Provisorium, Roma-Siedlung, Roma, Bevoelkerungsgruppe, ethnische, kulturelle, Minderheit, Minderheiten, Belgrad, Balkan, Serbien, Suedosteuropa, Osteuropa, Roma Viertel, Viertel, Sinti und Roma, soziales Leben, Siedlungsraum, Zigeuner, Slum, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Verslumt, Menschen, Kind, Kinder, Kleinkind, Bewohner, Slumbewohner, 3-5 Jahre, schmutzig, dreckig, Schmutz, Dreck, verdreckt, dreckige, Kleidung, heruntergekommen, Strassenkind, Strassenkinder, Strassenjunge, Junge, laufende Nase, Rotze, verrotzt, Schleim, schleimig, verwahrlost, verwahrlosen, verwahrlostes, Einzelperson, Portraet | Feature, Landscape format, horizontal format, social, society, Mode of life, life style, temporary solution, Roma camp, population group, ethnic, cultural, minority, minorities, Belgrade, Balkans, Serbia, Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe, Roma district, District, Sinti and Roma, social life, settlement area, Gypsy, Urban decay, slums, human beings, child, children, Toddler, inhabitants, Slum dwellers, 3-5 years, dirty, muddy, filthy, dirt, mud, clothes, dilapidated, street child, Street children, street boy, boy, runny nose, snot, snotty, mucus, slimy, Neglected, neglect, Individual, single person, Portrait
Dateiname: 110506_TBMZ_PHT31.jpg
Stichworte: Feature, Querformat, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Armenviertel, Provisorium, Roma-Siedlung, Roma, Bevoelkerungsgruppe, ethnische, kulturelle, Minderheit, Minderheiten, Belgrad, Balkan, Serbien, Suedosteuropa, Osteuropa, Roma Viertel, Viertel, Sinti und Roma, soziales Leben, Siedlungsraum, Zigeuner, Slum, Elendsviertel, Verslumen, Verslumung, Verslumt, Menschen, Kind, Kinder, Kleinkind, Bewohner, Slumbewohner, 1-3 Jahre, schmutzig, dreckig, Schmutz, Dreck, verdreckt, dreckige, Kleidung, heruntergekommen, Strassenkind, Strassenkinder, Strassenjunge, Junge, Maedchen, laufende Nase, Rotze, verrotzt, Schleim, schleimig, verwahrlost, verwahrlosen, verwahrlostes, Einzelperson, Portraet | Feature, Landscape format, horizontal format, social, society, Mode of life, life style, temporary solution, Roma camp, population group, ethnic, cultural, minority, minorities, Belgrade, Balkans, Serbia, Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe, Roma district, District, Sinti and Roma, social life, settlement area, Gypsy, Urban decay, slums, human beings, child, children, Toddler, inhabitants, Slum dwellers, 1-3 years, dirty, muddy, filthy, dirt, mud, clothes, dilapidated, street child, Street children, street boy, boy, girl, runny nose, snot, snotty, mucus, slimy, Neglected, neglect, Individual, single person, Portrait
Dateiname: 110504_TBMZ_PHT37.jpg
Datum: 04.05.2011
Ort: Mitrovica Nord
Caption: Roma-Siedlung | Roma campRoma-Siedlung Osterode . Die Siedlung befindet sich auf einem alten Komplex des kosovarischen Militaers und soll wegen der Kontamination des Bodens bis Juli 2011 vollstaendig aufgeloest werden . Mitrovica Nord , Kosovo . 04.05.2011 . | Roma camp Osterode . The camp is located on an old Kosovar military complex and should be closed completely by July 2011 due to the contamination of soil . Northern Mitrovica , Kosovo . 04.05.2011 . | Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/ |
Stichworte: Feature, Querformat, Kind, Kinder, Schulkind, 6-8 Jahre, 7-9 Jahre, Junge, Jungs, Jungen, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Armenviertel, Provisorium, Roma-Siedlung, Roma, Bevoelkerungsgruppe, ethnische, kulturelle, Minderheit, Minderheiten, Mitrovica Nord, Balkan, Kosovo, Suedosteuropa, Osteuropa, Roma Viertel, Viertel, Osterode, heruntergekommen, dreckig, schmutzig, verschmutzt, Schmutz, Dreck, Muell, vermuellt, Sinti und Roma, soziales Leben, Siedlungsraum, Zigeuner, Zigeunerkind, Slum | Feature, Landscape format, horizontal format, child, children, Schoolchild, 6-8 years, 7-9 years, boy, boys, social, society, Mode of life, life style, Slum, temporary solution, Roma camp, population group, ethnic, cultural, minority, minorities, Northern Mitrovica, Balkans, Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe, Roma district, District, dilapidated, Dirty, muddy, filthy, polluted, soiled, dirt, mud, garbage, Littered, Sinti and Roma, social life, settlement area, Gypsy, Gypsy child
Dateiname: 110504_TBMZ_PHT38.jpg
Caption: Roma-Siedlung | Roma campRoma-Siedlung Osterode . Die Siedlung befindet sich auf einem alten Komplex des kosovarischen Militaers und soll wegen der Kontamination des Bodens bis Juli 2011 vollstaendig aufgeloest werden . Mitrovica Nord , Kosovo . 04.05.2011 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Roma camp Osterode . The camp is located on an old Kosovar military complex and should be closed completely by July 2011 due to the contamination of soil . Northern Mitrovica , Kosovo . 04.05.2011 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/ |
Stichworte: Feature, Hochformat, Kind, Kinder, Kleinkind, 3-3 Jahre, Junge, Jungs, Jungen, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Armenviertel, Provisorium, Roma-Siedlung, Roma, Bevoelkerungsgruppe, ethnische, kulturelle, Minderheit, Minderheiten, Mitrovica Nord, Balkan, Kosovo, Suedosteuropa, Osteuropa, Roma Viertel, Viertel, Osterode, heruntergekommen, dreckig, schmutzig, verschmutzt, Schmutz, Dreck, Muell, vermuellt, Sinti und Roma, soziales Leben, Siedlungsraum, Zigeuner, Zigeunerkind, Blick in die Kamera, Portraet, niedlich, suess, freundlich, laecheln, laechelnd | Feature, Portrait format, child, children, Toddler, 3-3 years, boy, boys, social, society, Mode of life, life style, Slum, temporary solution, Roma camp, population group, ethnic, cultural, minority, minorities, Northern Mitrovica, Balkans, Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe, Roma district, District, dilapidated, Dirty, muddy, filthy, polluted, soiled, dirt, mud, garbage, Littered, Sinti and Roma, social life, settlement area, Gypsy, Gypsy child, Looking to the camera, Portrait, cute, sweet, friendly, smile, smiling
Dateiname: 101031_IBMZ_PHT31.jpg
Datum: 31.10.2010
Ort: Campamento Rio Elena
Bildnachweis: Thomas Imo/photothek
Caption: Stadtansicht | City ViewStadtansicht . Campamento Rio Elena , Bolivien . 31.10.2010 . | Cityscape . Campamento Rio Elena , Bolivia . 31.10.2010 . | Copyright: Thomas Imo / |
Stichworte: Querformat, Ausland, Feature, Stadt, Stadtleben, Stadtansicht, Regierungssitz, Grosstadt, Architektur, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, Stadtlandschaft, Campamento Rio Elena, Bolivien, Suedamerika, Muell, Muelleimer, verschmutzt, schmutzig, dreckig, Dreck, Schmutz, Menschen, Einzelperson, Obdachlose, Obdachlos, Obdachloser | Landscape format, horizontal format, Foreign countries, city, town, City life, City View, Seat of government, Big city, Architecture, Building, house, houses, Urban Landscape, cityscape, Bolivia, South America, garbage, Trash bin, dirty, polluted, soiled, muddy, filthy, mud, dirt, human beings, Individual, single person, homeless people, homeless, homeless man
Dateiname: 100526_UFEAT_PHT08.jpg
Datum: 26.05.2010
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky /
Caption: Schokolade | ChocolateSchokolade . Bonn , Deutschland . 26.05.10 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Chocolate . Bonn , Germany . 26.05.10 . MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/photothek |
Stichworte: Deutschland, Hochformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Einzelpersonen, Ernaehrung, Nahrung, Essen, Essend, Isst, Essgewohnheiten, Ungesund, Genussmittel, Suesswaren, Suessware, Suessigkeiten, Soziales, Weiblich, Junge Menschen, Junge Frau, Junge Frauen, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Studentin, Studentinnen, Student, Studenten, Lernen, Laptop, Computer, Pc, Mac, MacBook, Schokolade, Naschen, Naschkatze, Schoki, Schokoladenberg, braun, braune, schokoladig, schmutzig, unvernuenftig, weiss, sitzen, sitzt, sitzend, Nervennahrung, neutraler Hintergrund, rosa Hintergrund, rosa, frontal, von Vorne, Mund, suechtig, Sucht, Gesundheit, Krankheiten, Krankheit, Krank, Esstoerung, Essstoerung, Esstoerungen, Essstoerungen, Genuss, genuesslich, geniessen, Nahaufnahme, Detail, Unschaerfe, unscharf, verschwommen | Germany, Portrait format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, individuals, single persons, Nutrition, Food, nourishment, eat, meal, eating, Eating habits, unhealthy, semiluxury food, Confectionery products, Confectionery product, Sweets, Social issues, female, Young people, young woman, young women, Lifestyle, way of life, society, female student, female students, Students, learn, Chocolate, Nibble, pinch a bit, Sweet-eater, guzzler, Chocolate Mountain, brown, with chocolate taste, dirty, muddy, filthy, unreasonable, white, sit, sitting, Nerve food, Neutral background, pink background, pink, Front view, mouth, Addicted, Addiction, health, Diseases, illness, sick, ill, Eating disorders, Eating disorder, Enjoyment, pleasure, pleasurable, enjoy, savor, Close-up, blurredness, fuzziness, unsharpness, Fuzzy, blurred
Dateiname: 100526_UFEAT_PHT06.jpg
Caption: Schokoladenmund | Chocolate mouthSchokoladenmund . Bonn , Deutschland . 26.05.10 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Chocolate mouth . Bonn , Germany . 26.05.10 . MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/photothek |
Stichworte: Deutschland, Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Einzelpersonen, Ernaehrung, Nahrung, Essen, Essend, Isst, Essgewohnheiten, Ungesund, Genussmittel, Suesswaren, Suessware, Suessigkeiten, Soziales, Weiblich, Junge Menschen, Junge Frau, Junge Frauen, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Studentin, Studentinnen, Student, Studenten, Lernen, Laptop, Computer, Pc, Mac, MacBook, Schokolade, Naschen, Naschkatze, Schoki, Schokoladenberg, braun, braune, schokoladig, schmutzig, unvernuenftig, weiss, sitzen, sitzt, sitzend, Nervennahrung, neutraler Hintergrund, rosa Hintergrund, rosa, frontal, von Vorne, Schokomund, Schokoschnute, Schokoladenmund, Schokoladenschnute, Schnute, Mund, verschmiert, verschmierter, nachdenken, suechtig, Sucht, Gesundheit, Krankheiten, Krankheit, Krank, Esstoerung, Essstoerung, Esstoerungen, Essstoerungen, Genuss, genuesslich, Versuchung, Finger, schlecken, ablecken, geniessen | Germany, Landscape format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, individuals, single persons, Nutrition, Food, nourishment, eat, meal, eating, Eating habits, unhealthy, semiluxury food, Confectionery products, Confectionery product, Sweets, Social issues, female, Young people, young woman, young women, Lifestyle, way of life, society, female student, female students, Students, learn, Chocolate, Nibble, pinch a bit, Sweet-eater, guzzler, Chocolate Mountain, brown, with chocolate taste, dirty, muddy, filthy, unreasonable, white, sit, sitting, Nerve food, Neutral background, pink background, pink, Front view, Chocolate mouth, Pout, mouth, smudged, smeary, think about, Addicted, Addiction, health, Diseases, illness, sick, ill, Eating disorders, Eating disorder, Enjoyment, pleasure, pleasurable, Temptation, lick, lap, lick off, enjoy, savor
Dateiname: 100526_UFEAT_PHT05.jpg
Stichworte: Deutschland, Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Einzelpersonen, Ernaehrung, Nahrung, Essen, Essend, Isst, Essgewohnheiten, Gemuese, Gesund, Ungesund, Obst, Frucht, Fruechte, Genussmittel, Suesswaren, Suessware, Suessigkeiten, Vitamine, Vitamin, Vitaminreich, Soziales, Weiblich, Junge Menschen, Junge Frau, Junge Frauen, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Studentin, Studentinnen, Student, Studenten, Lernen, Laptop, Computer, Pc, Mac, MacBook, Schokolade, Naschen, Naschkatze, Schoki, Schokoladenberg, braun, braune, schokoladig, schmutzig, unvernuenftig, weiss, sitzen, sitzt, sitzend, Nervennahrung, neutraler Hintergrund, rosa Hintergrund, rosa, frontal, von Vorne, Schokomund, Schokoschnute, Schokoladenmund, Schokoladenschnute, Schnute, Mund, verschmiert, verschmierter, lustig, komisch, witzig, lachen, lachend, lacht, Blick in die Kamera, niedlich | Germany, Landscape format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, individuals, single persons, Nutrition, Food, nourishment, eat, meal, eating, Eating habits, Vegetables, healthy, unhealthy, Fruit, semiluxury food, Confectionery products, Confectionery product, Sweets, Vitamins, Rich in vitamins, Social issues, female, Young people, young woman, young women, Lifestyle, way of life, society, female student, female students, Students, learn, Chocolate, Nibble, pinch a bit, Sweet-eater, guzzler, Chocolate Mountain, brown, with chocolate taste, dirty, muddy, filthy, unreasonable, white, sit, sitting, Nerve food, Neutral background, pink background, pink, Front view, Chocolate mouth, Pout, mouth, smudged, smeary, funny, odd, laugh, laughing, laughs, facing the camera, cute
Dateiname: 100526_UFEAT_PHT04.jpg
Stichworte: Deutschland, Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Einzelpersonen, Ernaehrung, Nahrung, Essen, Essend, Isst, Essgewohnheiten, Gemuese, Gesund, Ungesund, Obst, Frucht, Fruechte, Genussmittel, Suesswaren, Suessware, Suessigkeiten, Vitamine, Vitamin, Vitaminreich, Soziales, Weiblich, Junge Menschen, Junge Frau, Junge Frauen, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Studentin, Studentinnen, Student, Studenten, Lernen, Laptop, Computer, Pc, Mac, MacBook, Schokolade, Naschen, Naschkatze, Schoki, Schokoladenberg, braun, braune, schokoladig, schmutzig, unvernuenftig, weiss, sitzen, sitzt, sitzend, Nervennahrung, neutraler Hintergrund, rosa Hintergrund, rosa, frontal, von Vorne, Schokomund, Schokoschnute, Schokoladenmund, Schokoladenschnute, Schnute, Mund, verschmiert, verschmierter, nachdenken, suechtig, Sucht, Gesundheit, Krankheiten, Krankheit, Krank, Esstoerung, Essstoerung, Esstoerungen, Essstoerungen | Germany, Landscape format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, individuals, single persons, Nutrition, Food, nourishment, eat, meal, eating, Eating habits, Vegetables, healthy, unhealthy, Fruit, semiluxury food, Confectionery products, Confectionery product, Sweets, Vitamins, Rich in vitamins, Social issues, female, Young people, young woman, young women, Lifestyle, way of life, society, female student, female students, Students, learn, Chocolate, Nibble, pinch a bit, Sweet-eater, guzzler, Chocolate Mountain, brown, with chocolate taste, dirty, muddy, filthy, unreasonable, white, sit, sitting, Nerve food, Neutral background, pink background, pink, Front view, Chocolate mouth, Pout, mouth, smudged, smeary, think about, Addicted, Addiction, health, Diseases, illness, sick, ill, Eating disorders, Eating disorder
Dateiname: 100526_UFEAT_PHT03.jpg
Caption: Ernaehrung | NutritionErnaehrung . Bonn , Deutschland . 26.05.10 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Nutrition . Bonn , Germany . 26.05.10 . MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/photothek |
Stichworte: Deutschland, Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Zwei Personen, Zwei Menschen, Ernaehrung, Nahrung, Essen, Essend, Isst, Essgewohnheiten, Gemuese, Gesund, Ungesund, Obst, Frucht, Fruechte, Genussmittel, Suesswaren, Suessware, Suessigkeiten, Vitamine, Vitamin, Vitaminreich, Soziales, Weiblich, Junge Menschen, Junge Frau, Junge Frauen, Freunde, Freund, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Studentin, Studentinnen, Student, Studenten, Buch, Buecher, Lehrbuch, Lehrbuecher, Lesen, Lernen, Laptop, Computer, Pc, Mac, MacBook, Schokolade, Naschen, Naschkatze, Schoki, Schokoladenberg, Schokomund, Schnute, braun, braune, schokoladig, schmutzig, vernuenftig, unvernuenftig, weiss, Moehre, Karotte, sich angucken, sitzen, sitzt, sitzend, Nervennahrung, verschmiert, Schmutzfink, lachen, lachend, lacht, lustig, komisch, Unsinn, Quatsch, neutraler Hintergrund, rosa Hintergrund, rosa, frontal, von Vorne, Schokoschnute, Schokoladenschnute, Mund, verschmierter | Germany, Landscape format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, two Persons, two people, Nutrition, Food, nourishment, eat, meal, eating, Eating habits, Vegetables, healthy, unhealthy, Fruit, semiluxury food, Confectionery products, Confectionery product, Sweets, Vitamins, Rich in vitamins, Social issues, female, Young people, young woman, young women, friends, friend, Lifestyle, way of life, society, female student, female students, Students, book, books, Textbook, Textbooks, reading, learn, Chocolate, Nibble, pinch a bit, Sweet-eater, guzzler, Chocolate Mountain, Chocolate mouth, Pout, brown, with chocolate taste, dirty, muddy, filthy, reasonable, unreasonable, white, carrot, look at oneself, sit, sitting, Nerve food, smudged, smeary, Muckraker, Dirty slob, laugh, laughing, laughs, funny, odd, nonsense, Neutral background, pink background, pink, Front view, mouth, smeared
Dateiname: 100526_UFEAT_PHT07.jpg
Stichworte: Deutschland, Hochformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Einzelpersonen, Ernaehrung, Nahrung, Essen, Essend, Isst, Essgewohnheiten, Ungesund, Genussmittel, Suesswaren, Suessware, Suessigkeiten, Soziales, Weiblich, Junge Menschen, Junge Frau, Junge Frauen, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Studentin, Studentinnen, Student, Studenten, Lernen, Laptop, Computer, Pc, Mac, MacBook, Schokolade, Naschen, Naschkatze, Schoki, Schokoladenberg, braun, braune, schokoladig, schmutzig, unvernuenftig, weiss, sitzen, sitzt, sitzend, Nervennahrung, neutraler Hintergrund, rosa Hintergrund, rosa, frontal, von Vorne, Mund, suechtig, Sucht, Gesundheit, Krankheiten, Krankheit, Krank, Esstoerung, Essstoerung, Esstoerungen, Essstoerungen, Genuss, genuesslich, geniessen | Germany, Portrait format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, individuals, single persons, Nutrition, Food, nourishment, eat, meal, eating, Eating habits, unhealthy, semiluxury food, Confectionery products, Confectionery product, Sweets, Social issues, female, Young people, young woman, young women, Lifestyle, way of life, society, female student, female students, Students, learn, Chocolate, Nibble, pinch a bit, Sweet-eater, guzzler, Chocolate Mountain, brown, with chocolate taste, dirty, muddy, filthy, unreasonable, white, sit, sitting, Nerve food, Neutral background, pink background, pink, Front view, mouth, Addicted, Addiction, health, Diseases, illness, sick, ill, Eating disorders, Eating disorder, Enjoyment, pleasure, pleasurable, enjoy, savor
Dateiname: 100526_UFEAT_PHT02.jpg
Stichworte: Deutschland, Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Zwei Personen, Zwei Menschen, Ernaehrung, Nahrung, Essen, Essend, Isst, Essgewohnheiten, Gemuese, Gesund, Ungesund, Obst, Frucht, Fruechte, Genussmittel, Suesswaren, Suessware, Suessigkeiten, Vitamine, Vitamin, Vitaminreich, Soziales, Weiblich, Junge Menschen, Junge Frau, Junge Frauen, Freunde, Freund, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Studentin, Studentinnen, Student, Studenten, Buch, Buecher, Lehrbuch, Lehrbuecher, Lesen, Lernen, Laptop, Computer, Pc, Mac, MacBook, Schokolade, Naschen, Naschkatze, Schoki, Schokoladenberg, Schokomund, Schnute, braun, braune, schokoladig, schmutzig, vernuenftig, unvernuenftig, weiss, Moehre, Karotte, sich angucken, sitzen, sitzt, sitzend, Nervennahrung, verschmiert, Schmutzfink, neutraler Hintergrund, rosa Hintergrund, rosa, frontal, von Vorne, Schokoschnute, Schokoladenschnute, Mund, verschmierter | Germany, Landscape format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, two Persons, two people, Nutrition, Food, nourishment, eat, meal, eating, Eating habits, Vegetables, healthy, unhealthy, Fruit, semiluxury food, Confectionery products, Confectionery product, Sweets, Vitamins, Rich in vitamins, Social issues, female, Young people, young woman, young women, friends, friend, Lifestyle, way of life, society, female student, female students, Students, book, books, Textbook, Textbooks, reading, learn, Chocolate, Nibble, pinch a bit, Sweet-eater, guzzler, Chocolate Mountain, Chocolate mouth, Pout, brown, with chocolate taste, dirty, muddy, filthy, reasonable, unreasonable, white, carrot, look at oneself, sit, sitting, Nerve food, smudged, smeary, Muckraker, Dirty slob, Neutral background, pink background, pink, Front view, mouth, smeared
Dateiname: 100522_TTAA_PHT35.jpg
Datum: 23.05.2010
Ort: Kairo
Caption: Strassenreinigung in Kairo | Street cleaning in CairoStrassenreinigung in Kairo . Kairo , Aegypten . 22.05.10 . | Street cleaning in Cairo . Cairo , Egypt . 22.05.10 . | Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/ |
Stichworte: Ausland, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, Einzelperson, Soziales, Alltag, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Lebensstil, Lebenswelten, Stadt, Grosstadt, Grosstaedte, Grossstadt, Grossstaedte, Stadtleben, Strassenszene, Wirtschaft, Abfall, Muell, Entsorgung, Strasse, Strassen, Strassenreinigung, Umwelt, Reinigung, von oben, Vogelperspektive, Schatten, Schattenbild, Schattenspiel, Silhouette, Umriss, Kontur, Schemenhaft, Silouetten, reinigen, saeubern, kehren, fegen, Besen, Muelltonne, Karren, Dreck, Schmutz, schmutzig, dreckig, Arbeit, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Arbeiten, Beschaeftigung, Job, Berufstaetigkeit, Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitsplaetze, Arbeitskraft, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, Arbeiter, Auslandsreise, Aegpyten, Kairo, Afrika | foreign countries, abroad, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, Individual, single person, Social issues, Everyday life, society, mode of life, Lifestyle, way of life, Worlds, town, city, Big city, Big cities, Large cities, Urban Life, Street Scene, economy, waste, Garbage, disposal, street, road, streets, roads, Street Cleaning, Environment, Cleaning, from above, Bird's-eye view, Shadow, Shadow game, shape, outline, shadowy, Silhouettes, clean, Sweep, Broom, Dustbin, Cart, barrow, dirt, mud, filth, dirty, muddy, filthy, work, working world, working life, activity, Occupation, Workplace, Workplaces, Labor, labor force, workforce, worker, journey abroad, foreign trip, Egypt, Cairo, Africa
Dateiname: 100519_KBWK_PHT69.jpg
Datum: 20.05.2010
Ort: Torgelow
Bildnachweis: Thomas Koehler/
Caption: Rekruten bei der Bundeswehr | Recruits at the BundeswehrWehrpflichtige mit einem Gewehr G 36 waehrend einer Gelaendeuebung in der Allgemeinen Grundausbildung bei der Bundeswehr . Ferdinand-von-Schill-Kaserne in Torgelow . Torgelow , Deutschland . 19.05.2010 . | Conscripts with a G 36 gun during a field exercise within the general basic training of the Bundeswehr . " Ferdinand-von-Schill-Kaserne " barracks in Torgelow . Torgelow , Germany . 19.05.2010 . | Copyright: Thomas Koehler/ |
Stichworte: Deutschland, Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, Menschenmenge, Menge, Menschenmasse, Masse, Leute, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Bundeswehr, Grundausbildung, Rekrut, Rekruten, Wehrdienst, Wehrpflicht, Wehrpflichtige, Wehrpflichtiger, Soldat, Soldaten, Militaer, Kaserne, Kasernen, Waffe, Waffen, allgemein, Ausbildung, Training, Kompanie, Streitkraefte, Infanterie, Infanterist, Grundwehrdienst, Aufstellung, Gruppe, Uniform, Uniformen, Tarnung, Tarnanzug, Kampfanzug, Wehrdienstleistende, Dienst an der Waffe, Natur, Wiese, Gras, Feld, Anfuehrer, Offizier, Offiziersausbildung, Torgelow, Rekrutenausbildung, getarnt, Gelaendeuebung, Uebung, G 36, G36, Gewehr, Wald, Waelder, Gelaende, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, gehen, gehende, gehender, geht | Germany, Landscape format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, crowd, quantity, multitude or crowd, crowd of people, Mass, people, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, basic training, recruit, recruits, military service, conscription, compulsory military service, persons liable for military service, conscripts, draftees, person liable for military service, conscript, draftee, Soldier, Soldiers, Military, barracks, Weapon, arm, weapons, arms, general, company, Armed Forces, infantry, infantryman, foot soldier, basic military service, line-up, group, Uniforms, camouflage, camouflage battledress, battledress, Nature, Meadow, lawn, grass, Field, leader, officer, officer's training, recruits' training, masked, Field exercise, Exercise, Gun, rifle, forest, forests, dirt, mud, filth, Dirty, muddy, filthy, walk, walking, walks
Dateiname: 100519_KBWK_PHT67.jpg
Dateiname: 100519_KBWK_PHT68.jpg
Stichworte: Deutschland, Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Mensch, Menschen, Person, Personen, Menschenmenge, Menge, Menschenmasse, Masse, Leute, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Bundeswehr, Grundausbildung, Rekrut, Rekruten, Wehrdienst, Wehrpflicht, Wehrpflichtige, Wehrpflichtiger, Soldat, Soldaten, Militaer, Kaserne, Kasernen, Waffe, Waffen, allgemein, Ausbildung, Training, Kompanie, Streitkraefte, Infanterie, Infanterist, Grundwehrdienst, Aufstellung, Gruppe, Uniform, Uniformen, Tarnung, Tarnanzug, Kampfanzug, Wehrdienstleistende, Dienst an der Waffe, Natur, Wiese, Gras, Feld, Anfuehrer, Offizier, Offiziersausbildung, Torgelow, Rekrutenausbildung, getarnt, Gelaendeuebung, Uebung, G 36, G36, Gewehr, Wald, Waelder, Gelaende, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, gehen, gehende, gehender, geht, Blick in die Kamera | Germany, Landscape format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, human being, human beings, Persons, crowd, quantity, multitude or crowd, crowd of people, Mass, people, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, basic training, recruit, recruits, military service, conscription, compulsory military service, persons liable for military service, conscripts, draftees, person liable for military service, conscript, draftee, Soldier, Soldiers, Military, barracks, Weapon, arm, weapons, arms, general, company, Armed Forces, infantry, infantryman, foot soldier, basic military service, line-up, group, Uniforms, camouflage, camouflage battledress, battledress, Nature, Meadow, lawn, grass, Field, leader, officer, officer's training, recruits' training, masked, Field exercise, Exercise, Gun, rifle, forest, forests, dirt, mud, filth, Dirty, muddy, filthy, walk, walking, walks, facing the camera
Dateiname: 100519_KBWK_PHT72.jpg
Caption: Rekruten bei der Bundeswehr | Recruits at the BundeswehrWehrpflichtiger mit einem Gewehr G 36 waehrend einer Gelaendeuebung in der Allgemeinen Grundausbildung bei der Bundeswehr . Ferdinand-von-Schill-Kaserne in Torgelow . Torgelow , Deutschland . 19.05.2010 . | Conscript with a G 36 gun during a field exercise within the general basic training of the Bundeswehr . " Ferdinand-von-Schill-Kaserne " barracks in Torgelow . Torgelow , Germany . 19.05.2010 . | Copyright: Thomas Koehler/ |
Stichworte: Deutschland, Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Einzelperson, 20, 20 Jahre, 20 Jahre Alt, 25, 25 Jahre, 25 Jahre Alt, Bundeswehr, Grundausbildung, Rekrut, Rekruten, Wehrdienst, Wehrpflicht, Wehrpflichtige, Wehrpflichtiger, Soldat, Soldaten, Militaer, Kaserne, Kasernen, Waffe, Waffen, allgemein, Ausbildung, Training, Kompanie, Streitkraefte, Infanterie, Infanterist, Grundwehrdienst, Aufstellung, Gruppe, Uniform, Uniformen, Tarnung, Tarnanzug, Kampfanzug, Wehrdienstleistende, Dienst an der Waffe, Natur, Wiese, Gras, Feld, Anfuehrer, Offizier, Offiziersausbildung, Torgelow, Rekrutenausbildung, getarnt, Gelaendeuebung, Uebung, G 36, G36, Gewehr, Wald, Waelder, Nahaufnahme, Detail, Versteck, versteckt, schiessen, schiesst, Gelaende, Dreck, dreckig, Schmutz, schmutzig, Ziel, zielen | Germany, Landscape format, Symbols, symbolic image, symbolic photograph, symbolic, Individual, single person, 20 years, 20 years old, 25 years, 25 years old, basic training, recruit, recruits, military service, conscription, compulsory military service, persons liable for military service, conscripts, draftees, person liable for military service, conscript, draftee, Soldier, Soldiers, Military, barracks, Weapon, arm, weapons, arms, general, company, Armed Forces, infantry, infantryman, foot soldier, basic military service, line-up, group, Uniforms, camouflage, camouflage battledress, battledress, Nature, Meadow, lawn, grass, Field, leader, officer, officer's training, recruits' training, masked, Field exercise, Exercise, Gun, rifle, forest, forests, Close-up, Hiding place, hidden, shooting, shoot, shoots, dirt, mud, filth, Dirty, muddy, filthy, target, aim
Dateiname: 100519_KBWK_PHT73.jpg
Dateiname: 100519_KBWK_PHT71.jpg