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Dateiname: 120602_TBMZ_PHT36.jpg
Datum: 02.06.2012
Ort: Batumi
Bildnachweis: Thomas Trutschel/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +493028097440 - - Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: Waschtag in BatumiWaescheleinen in einem Hinterhof in Batumi. Batumi, Georgien. 02.06.2012. Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Uebersicht, overview, Feature, Alltag, everyday life, Haushalt, household, Stadt, city, Stadtleben, city life, Strassenszene, street setting, street scenery, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, building, Leine, Leinen, Waescheleine, Waescheleinen, Waschtag, Hinterhof, backyard, line, lines, laundry, washing, clothing, clothesline, clothes, Waesche, waschen, Batumi, Georgien, Georgia, trocknen, drying, trockende, trocknet, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements
Dateiname: 120427_USAUER_PHT29.jpg
Datum: 27.04.2012
Ort: Bonn
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +492195932470, www. photothek .net. Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt ! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: WaermedaemmungHandwerker beim Verputzen eines Waermeverbund Sytems an einer Hauswand eines Mehrfamilienhauses. Bonn, Deutschland. 27.04.2012 . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: 30-35, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, Alltag, Arbeit, Arbeiter, Arbeitskraft, Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitswelt, Aussenwand, Bau, Bauarbeiter, Bauen, Baumaterial, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, Beruf, Berufe, Berufsleben, Berufstaetigkeit, Bonn, Daemmmaterial, Daemmung, Deutschland, Einige, Energie, Feature, Gebaeude, Germany, Haeuser, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, Haus, Hausdaemmung, Hauswand, Immobilien, Isoliermaterial, Job, Leiharbeiter, Maenner, Mann, Mehrfamilienhaus, Menschen, Mietshaus, Modernisierung, Neubau, People, Person, QF, Querformat, Sanierung, Schwarzarbeit, Strom, Waermedaemmung, Waermeverbund System, Waermeverbundsystem, Wirtschaft, Wohnblock, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnhaus, anbringen, apartment building, apartment buildings, apartment house, block of buildings, building, building and construction industry, building construction, building industry, building material, construction, construction material, construction site, construction worker, construction workers, craftsman, craftsmen, daemmen, ecological modernisation, economy, electricity, employment, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy, energy-saving, everyday life, exterior wall, heat insulation, horizontal format, house, houses, insulate, insulating, insulating material, insulation, isolieren, landscape format, maennlich, male, man, manpower, men, mounting, multi-family house, multifamily residence, new construction, occupation, plastering, profession, real estate, reinstatement, residential building, residential buildings, some, tenement, tenements, thermal insulation, trade, upgrading, verputzen, work, worker, workers, working environment, working life, working world
Dateiname: 120427_USAUER_PHT28.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Berufe, Beruf, profession, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Wirtschaft, economy, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Baumaterial, building material, construction material, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Immobilien, real estate, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, Waermedaemmung, Daemmung, daemmen, isolieren, Daemmmaterial, Hausdaemmung, Hauswand, insulation, insulating, insulate, Isoliermaterial, insulating material, heat insulation, thermal insulation, anbringen, mounting, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy-saving, Bonn, Germany, Deutschland, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, vier, four, vier Personen, four persons, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Waermeverbundsystem, Waermeverbund System, Aussenwand, exterior wall, Sanierung, Modernisierung, reinstatement, upgrading, ecological modernisation, verputzen, plastering
Dateiname: 120427_USAUER_PHT27.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Berufe, Beruf, profession, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Wirtschaft, economy, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Baumaterial, building material, construction material, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Immobilien, real estate, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, Waermedaemmung, Daemmung, daemmen, isolieren, Daemmmaterial, Hausdaemmung, Hauswand, insulation, insulating, insulate, Isoliermaterial, insulating material, heat insulation, thermal insulation, anbringen, mounting, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy-saving, Bonn, Germany, Deutschland, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Drei, three, Drei Personen, three persons, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Waermeverbundsystem, Waermeverbund System, Aussenwand, exterior wall, Sanierung, Modernisierung, reinstatement, upgrading, ecological modernisation, verputzen, plastering
Dateiname: 120427_USAUER_PHT30.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Berufe, Beruf, profession, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Wirtschaft, economy, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Baumaterial, building material, construction material, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Immobilien, real estate, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, Waermedaemmung, Daemmung, daemmen, isolieren, Daemmmaterial, Hausdaemmung, Hauswand, insulation, insulating, insulate, Isoliermaterial, insulating material, heat insulation, thermal insulation, anbringen, mounting, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy-saving, Bonn, Germany, Deutschland, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Waermeverbundsystem, Waermeverbund System, Aussenwand, exterior wall, Sanierung, Modernisierung, reinstatement, upgrading, ecological modernisation, verputzen, plastering, Einige, some
Dateiname: 120323_USCAN_PHT31.jpg
Datum: 23.03.2012
Ort: Heidelberg
Caption: ParagraphParagraph in einem Sessel. Heidelberg, Deutschland. 23.03.2012 . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Stilleben, Stillleben, Still, stills, still-life, still life, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Feature, Justiz, Recht, justice, law, Gesetz, Gesetze, laws, act, Paragraphensymbol, Paragraph, Paragraphenzeichen, Paragraf, Paragrafen, Paragraphen, Paragrafenzeichen, section, sign, double S, typographical, typographisch, typographische, typographischer, typographisches, Sessel, armchair, Stuhl, chair, Rechte, legislation, right, Mietrecht, Wohnrecht, Mieterrecht, Wohnrechte, Mietrechte, Mieterrechte, tenancy law, richt of adobe, Mieter-Recht, Mieter-Rechte, Wohnung, apartment, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT23.jpg
Datum: 28.02.2012
Caption: BaumassnahmenRenovieren, Bauen. Bonn, Deutschland. 28.02.2012 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, MODEL RELEASED . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Dachfenster, Fenster, window, Tafel, board, Kreidetafel, writing, Schrift, neu, neue, neues, neuer, new, Tuer, door, Zimmer, Raum, room, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Termin, Termineinhaltung, Planung, Plan, deadline, due, term, appointment, Montag, planning, schedule, scheduling, Feature
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT13.jpg
Caption: RenovierungskostenKosten beim Renovieren, Bauen. Bonn, Deutschland. 28.02.2012 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, MODEL RELEASED . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Feature, Junger Mann, young man, Junge Maenner, young men, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, jung, junger, junges, junge, young, Heimwerker, heimwerken, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Kapitalanlagen, Baukosten, Kosten, costs, Bausparen, Finanzen, finances, Finanzieren, Finanzierung, Finanzierungen, financing, finance, Geld, money, Kapitalanlage, building costs, construction cost, construction costs, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Renovierungskosten, Baugeld, Bauspardarlehen, Grundsteuer, Kredit, Kredite, Baukredit, ueberschulden, ueberschuldet, Ueberschuldung, verschulden, Verschuldung, verschuldet, Bausparkasse, Bausparvertrag, Baufinanzierung, building society loan, building and loan association, home loan bank, building society, building loan contract, building loan agreement, land tax, real estate tax, building capital, building loan, debt, being in debt, indebted, borrowing, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Detail, Nahaufnahme, closeup view, close-up view, Hand, Haende, hands, Taschenrechner, Rechner, Calculator, Ziffern, Zahlen, numbers, eingeben, eintippen, typing, ausrechnen, berechnen, Berechnung, Berechnungen, calculating, calculation, calculates, berechnet, errechnet, errechnen, kalkulieren, Kalkulation, Kalkulationen, calculus, Ziffer, digit, digits, calculations, entering, inserting, Zinsen, interest, Zinsrate, interest rate, Zinssatz, rate percent
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT06.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Feature, Junger Mann, young man, Junge Maenner, young men, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, jung, junger, junges, junge, young, Heimwerker, heimwerken, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Kapitalanlagen, Baukosten, Kosten, costs, Bausparen, Finanzen, finances, Finanzieren, Finanzierung, Finanzierungen, financing, finance, Geld, money, Kapitalanlage, building costs, construction cost, construction costs, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Renovierungskosten, Baugeld, Bauspardarlehen, Grundsteuer, Kredit, Kredite, Baukredit, ueberschulden, ueberschuldet, Ueberschuldung, verschulden, Verschuldung, verschuldet, Bausparkasse, Bausparvertrag, Baufinanzierung, building society loan, building and loan association, home loan bank, building society, building loan contract, building loan agreement, land tax, real estate tax, building capital, building loan, debt, being in debt, indebted, borrowing, Sparschwein, Sparschweine, Schwein, Sparbuechse, pig, piggybank, piggy bank, pigs, money box, moneybox, penny bank, savings box, cash box, Sparbuechsen, Sparferkel, Eigenheimbesitzer, gold, golden, goldener, goldenes, goldene, Tier, Tiere, animal, animals, Schweinchen, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Detail, Nahaufnahme, closeup view, close-up view, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT01.jpg
Caption: DachdeckerDachdecker / Handwerker bei der Arbeit. Bonn, Deutschland. 28.02.2012 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, MODEL RELEASED . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Trockenbau, Dachdecker, Innenausbau, Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Junger Mann, young man, Junge Maenner, young men, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Arbeitsschutz, Arbeitssicherheit, Unfallschutz, safety at work, industrial safety, protection against accidents, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Architektur, architecture, Fenster, window, Dachfenster, Dachschraege, garret window, dormer, roof pitch, roof slope, dry construction, dry walling, studwork, roofer, slater, finishes, interior work, interior fitting, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, jung, junger, junges, junge, young, Heimwerker, heimwerken, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Zimmermann, Zimmerer, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Zollstock, vermessen, Vermessung, measuring, folding rule, rule, inch rule, foot rule, folding yarstick
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT26.jpg
Stichworte: Architektur, Bau, Bauarbeiten, Bauen, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwesen, Bauwirtschaft, Dachfenster, Eigenheim, Eigentumswohnung, Energie, Energieeffizienz, Energieversorgung, Energiewirtschaft, Feature, Fenster, Gebaeude, Haeuser, Haus, Hausbau, Heizung, Immobilien, Innen, Innenansicht, Innenaufnahme, Interior, Kreidetafel, Menschenleer, Mietshaus, Neubau, Niemand, QF, Querformat, Raum, Renovieren, Renovierung, Schrift, Strom, Symbol, Symbolbild, Symbole, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Tafel, Tuer, Wirtschaft, Wohnblock, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnhaus, Wohnung, Wohnungsbau, Zimmer, apartment building, apartment buildings, appartment, architecture, block of buildings, board, building, building and construction industry, building construction, building industry, condo, condominium, construction, construction engineering, construction site, construction work, domestic buildings, door, economy, electricity, energieeffizient, energieeffiziente, energieeffizienter, energieeffizientes, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy, energy economics, energy industry, energy-efficient, energy-saving, flat, heater, home, homestead, horizontal format, house, houses, housing construction, interior view, landscape format, neu, neue, neuer, neues, new, new construction, nobody, power supply, power-saving, power-supply industry, privately owned home, real estate, refurbishing, renovate, renovating, renovation, residential building, residential buildings, room, symbolic, symbolic image, symbolic photo, tenement, tenements, window, writing
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT21.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Feature, Junger Mann, young man, Junge Maenner, young men, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, jung, junger, junges, junge, young, Heimwerker, heimwerken, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Kapitalanlagen, Baukosten, Kosten, costs, Bausparen, Finanzen, finances, Finanzieren, Finanzierung, Finanzierungen, financing, finance, Geld, money, Kapitalanlage, building costs, construction cost, construction costs, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Renovierungskosten, Baugeld, Bauspardarlehen, Grundsteuer, Kredit, Kredite, Baukredit, ueberschulden, ueberschuldet, Ueberschuldung, verschulden, Verschuldung, verschuldet, Bausparkasse, Bausparvertrag, Baufinanzierung, building society loan, building and loan association, home loan bank, building society, building loan contract, building loan agreement, land tax, real estate tax, building capital, building loan, debt, being in debt, indebted, borrowing, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Taschenrechner, Rechner, Calculator, Ziffern, Zahlen, numbers, Berechnung, Berechnungen, calculating, calculation, calculates, berechnet, errechnet, errechnen, kalkulieren, Kalkulation, Kalkulationen, calculus, Ziffer, digit, digits, calculations, Zinsen, interest, Zinsrate, interest rate, Zinssatz, rate percent
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT08.jpg
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT18.jpg
Stichworte: Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Dachfenster, Fenster, window, Heizung, heater, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Energiewirtschaft, Energieversorgung, energy industry, energy economics, power supply, power-supply industry, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy-saving, power-saving, energieeffizient, energieeffiziente, energieeffizienter, energieeffizientes, Energieeffizienz, energy-efficient, Tafel, board, Kreidetafel, writing, Schrift, neu, neue, neues, neuer, new, Tuer, door, Zimmer, Raum, room, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT22.jpg
Stichworte: Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Dachfenster, Fenster, window, Heizung, heater, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Energiewirtschaft, Energieversorgung, energy industry, energy economics, power supply, power-supply industry, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy-saving, power-saving, energieeffizient, energieeffiziente, energieeffizienter, energieeffizientes, Energieeffizienz, energy-efficient, Tafel, board, Kreidetafel, writing, Schrift, neu, neue, neues, neuer, new, Tuer, door, Zimmer, Raum, room, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Baukosten, Kosten, costs, Bausparen, Finanzen, finances, Finanzieren, Finanzierung, Finanzierungen, financing, finance, Geld, money, Kapitalanlage, building costs, construction cost, construction costs, Kredit, Kredite, Baukredit, ueberschulden, ueberschuldet, Ueberschuldung, verschulden, Verschuldung, verschuldet, Bausparkasse, Bausparvertrag, Baufinanzierung, building society loan, building and loan association, home loan bank, building society, building loan contract, building loan agreement, land tax, real estate tax, building capital, building loan, debt, being in debt, indebted, borrowing, Renovierungskosten, Baugeld, Bauspardarlehen, Grundsteuer, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT09.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Feature, Junger Mann, young man, Junge Maenner, young men, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, jung, junger, junges, junge, young, Heimwerker, heimwerken, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Kapitalanlagen, Baukosten, Kosten, costs, Bausparen, Finanzen, finances, Finanzieren, Finanzierung, Finanzierungen, financing, finance, Geld, money, Kapitalanlage, building costs, construction cost, construction costs, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Renovierungskosten, Baugeld, Bauspardarlehen, Grundsteuer, Kredit, Kredite, Baukredit, Bausparkasse, Bausparvertrag, Baufinanzierung, building society loan, building and loan association, home loan bank, building society, building loan contract, building loan agreement, land tax, real estate tax, building capital, building loan, Eigenheimbesitzer, gold, golden, goldener, goldenes, goldene, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Detail, Nahaufnahme, closeup view, close-up view, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, Euro, Muenze, Muenzen, coin, coins, Euromuenze, Euromuenzen
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT14.jpg
Caption: BaustelleRenovieren, Bauen. Bonn, Deutschland. 28.02.2012 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, MODEL RELEASED . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Feature, Junger Mann, young man, Junge Maenner, young men, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Alltag, everyday life, Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, jung, junger, junges, junge, young, Heimwerker, heimwerken, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Finanzen, finances, Finanzieren, Finanzierung, Finanzierungen, financing, finance, Geld, money, building costs, construction cost, construction costs, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Renovierungskosten, Baugeld, Bauspardarlehen, Grundsteuer, Kredite, Baukredit, ueberschulden, ueberschuldet, Ueberschuldung, verschulden, Verschuldung, verschuldet, Bausparkasse, Bausparvertrag, Baufinanzierung, building society loan, building and loan association, home loan bank, building society, building loan contract, building loan agreement, land tax, real estate tax, building capital, building loan, debt, being in debt, indebted, borrowing, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Detail, Nahaufnahme, closeup view, close-up view, Hand, Haende, hands, Zahl, number, Zahlen, numbers, Rate, Faelligkeit, Kredit, Einzugstermin, Terminabsprachen, Raten, faellig, Termin, Termine, Monatsbeginn, Monatsanfang, beginning of the month, Kalender, calender, appointment, appointed time, deadline, dead-line, due date, date, Datum, term, beginning, installment, instalment, Einzug, date of moving in, moving-in date, moving, Umzug, move in, move-in
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT24.jpg
Stichworte: Architektur, architecture, Innenansicht, Innen, Interior, Innenaufnahme, interior view, Immobilien, real estate, Eigenheim, Haus, home, house, homestead, privately owned home, Gebaeude, Haeuser, houses, building, Wohnung, appartment, flat, Eigentumswohnung, condo, condominium, heimwerken, Renovierung, Renovieren, renovation, renovate, refurbishing, renovating, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Wohnungsbau, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Hausbau, domestic buildings, housing construction, Kapitalanlagen, Baukosten, Kosten, costs, Bausparen, Finanzen, finances, Finanzieren, Finanzierung, Finanzierungen, financing, finance, Geld, money, Kapitalanlage, building costs, construction cost, construction costs, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic, Renovierungskosten, Baugeld, Bauspardarlehen, Grundsteuer, Kredit, Kredite, Baukredit, ueberschulden, ueberschuldet, Ueberschuldung, verschulden, Verschuldung, verschuldet, Bausparkasse, Bausparvertrag, Baufinanzierung, building society loan, building and loan association, home loan bank, building society, building loan contract, building loan agreement, land tax, real estate tax, building capital, building loan, debt, being in debt, indebted, borrowing, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Taschenrechner, Rechner, Calculator, Ziffern, Zahlen, numbers, Berechnung, Berechnungen, calculating, calculation, calculates, berechnet, errechnet, errechnen, kalkulieren, Kalkulation, Kalkulationen, calculus, Ziffer, digit, digits, calculations, Zinsen, interest, Zinsrate, interest rate, Zinssatz, rate percent, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Rohbau, Feature
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT12.jpg
Dateiname: 120326_UFEAT_PHT19.jpg
Dateiname: 120212_IBMZ_PHT52.jpg
Datum: 12.02.2012
Ort: Rangun
Bildnachweis: Thomas Imo/
Caption: Rangun / MyanmarStadtansich. Rangun, Myanmar. 12.02.2012 . Copyright: Thomas Imo/
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Laender, countries, Asien, Asia, Stadt, city, Architektur, architecture, Stadtansicht, Stadtuebersicht, Ansicht, Uebersicht, view of the city, view of the town, view, Ausland, foreign country, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Grossstadt, Grosstadt, Metropole, metropolis, large city, big town, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, high rise, multi-story building, multistory building, high-rise, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, building, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Stadtleben, city life, Yongan, Rangun, Myanmar, Birma, Burma
Dateiname: 110806_TFEA_PHT02.jpg
Datum: 06.08.2011
Ort: Berat
Caption: Berat|BeratBlick auf die Stadt Berat. Berat, Albanien. 06.08.2011. | Cityscape of Berat. Berat, Albania. 06.08.2011. |Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Stadt, Stadtansicht, Luftaufnahme, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, Stadtuebersicht, Berat, Albanien, Osteuropa, Stadtkulisse, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser|Landscape format, horizontal format, city, town, City View, air view, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, City Overview, Albania, Eastern Europe, cityscape, Building, house, houses
Dateiname: 110806_TFEA_PHT01.jpg
Dateiname: 110805_TFEA_PHT16.jpg
Datum: 05.08.2011
Ort: Shkodra
Caption: Wohnungsbau|Housing constructionNeubau hinter einem Wohnhaus. Shkodra, Albanien. 05.08.2011. | New building behind an apartment building. Shkodra, Albania. 05.08.2011. |Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, Stadt, Stadtleben, Architektur, Immobilien, Eigenheim, Haus, Gebaeude, Haeuser, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, Mehrfamilienhaus, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, Wohnungsbau, Albanien, Shkodra, Osteuropa, Baugeruest, eng, gedraengt, Wohngebaeude, Stadtbild, Stadtlandschaft, Stadtviertel, Wohnraeume, Wohnviertel, Sozialwohnungen, Immobilienmarkt, Immobilienpreise|Landscape format, horizontal format, construction, build, New construction, Construction site, building sites, construction sites, Construction Industry, city, town, City life, Architecture, Real estate, Home Ownership, house, Building, houses, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, Apartment building, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, Housing, House building, Albania, Eastern Europe, Scaffolding, narrow, pushed, Residence, Residences, Cityscape, Urban Landscape, District, housings, residential district, Social housing apartments, Property market, Real estate prices
Dateiname: 110805_TFEA_PHT05.jpg
Ort: Tirana
Caption: Strassenszene in Tirana| Street scene in TiranaWohnhaus in Tirana. Tirana, Albanien. 05.08.2011. | Residential building in Tirana. Tirana, Albania. 05.08.2011. |Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Stadt, Stadtleben, Architektur, Fassade, Hausfassade, Fassaden, Hausfassaden, Fenster, Stockwerk, Stockwerke, Etage, Etagen, Balkon, Hauptstadt, Immobilien, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, Strassenszene, gruen, bemalt, angemalt, Pfeil, Pfeile, gruenes, Albanien, Tirana|Landscape format, horizontal format, city, town, City life, Architecture, Facade, House facade, Facades, House facades, window, Floor, Floors, level, levels, Balcony, Capital city, Real estate, Building, house, houses, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, Street Scene, green, painted, Arrow, Arrows, Albania, Tirana
Dateiname: 110805_TFEA_PHT04.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Stadt, Stadtleben, Architektur, Fassade, Hausfassade, Fassaden, Hausfassaden, Fenster, Stockwerk, Stockwerke, Etage, Etagen, Balkon, Hauptstadt, Immobilien, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, Strassenszene, Klimanalage, Klimaanlagen, gruen, bemalt, angemalt, Pfeil, Pfeile, gruenes, Albanien, Tirana|Landscape format, horizontal format, city, town, City life, Architecture, Facade, House facade, Facades, House facades, window, Floor, Floors, level, levels, Balcony, Capital city, Real estate, Building, house, houses, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, Street Scene, Air Conditioning, Air Conditionings, green, painted, Arrow, Arrows, Albania, Tirana
Dateiname: 110503_TBMZ_PHT36.jpg
Datum: 03.05.2011
Ort: Pristina
Caption: Strassenszene in Pristina | Street scene in PristinaStrassenszene in Pristina . Pristina , Kosovo . 03.05.2011 . | Street scene in Pristina . Pristina , Kosovo . 03.05.2011 . | Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/ |
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Stadt, Architektur, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, Denkmal, Denkmaeler, Monument, Stadtleben, Strassenszene, Soldaten, Soldatendenkmal, Blumen, Pristina, Balkan, Kosovo, Kosovokrieg, Erinnerung, Statute, Erinnerungsort, Gedenken, Gedenkstaette, Gedaechnisstaette, Grenzgebiet, Konflikt, Konflikte, Krisengebiet, Osteuropa, Suedosteuropa, Volk, Voelker, Waffe, Vergangenheit, militaristisch, Militarismus | Landscape format, horizontal format, city, town, Architecture, Building, house, houses, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, monuments, City life, Street Scene, Soldiers, soldiers monument, flowers, Balkans, Kosovo war, Memory, statutes, memorial site, Commemoration, Memorial, border area, conflict, conflicts, Crisis zone, Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe, People, peoples, arm, past, foretime, militaristic, militarism
Dateiname: 101101_IBMZ_PHT16.jpg
Datum: 01.11.2010
Ort: Campamento Rio Elena
Bildnachweis: Thomas Imo/photothek
Caption: Stadtansicht | City ViewStadtansicht . Campamento Rio Elena , Bolivien . 01.11.2010 . | Cityscape . Campamento Rio Elena , Bolivia . 01.11.2010 . | Copyright: Thomas Imo / |
Stichworte: Querformat, Ausland, Feature, Stadt, Stadtleben, Stadtansicht, Regierungssitz, Grosstadt, Architektur, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, Stadtlandschaft, Campamento Rio Elena, Bolivien, Suedamerika, Fassaden, Hausfassaden, Fassade, Hausfassade, Haeuserfront, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus | Landscape format, horizontal format, Foreign countries, city, town, City life, City View, Seat of government, Big city, Architecture, Building, house, houses, Urban Landscape, cityscape, Bolivia, South America, Facades, House facades, Facade, House facade, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Tenement, apartment house
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT78.jpg
Datum: 20.08.2010
Ort: Ulan Bator
Bildnachweis: Thomas Koehler/
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorKinder auf dem Spielplatz in einer Plattenbausiedlung in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 20.08.2010 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Children on the playground in a prefabricated housing estate in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 20.08.2010 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, Plattenbausiedlung, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Armenviertel, Kind, Kinder, Maedchen, Kindheit, Bruder, Schwester, Geschwister, Spielplatz, Kinderspielplatz, Spiel, spielen, Freizeit, 3-5 Jahre, 6-8 Jahre, Blick in die Kamera, Spass, spassig, lachen, lachend, gluecklich, froehlich | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Prefabricated housing estate, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Slum, child, children, girl, childhood, brother, sister, siblings, brothers and sisters, Playground, Children's Playground, game, play, leisure, 3-5 years, 6-8 years, Looking to the camera, fun, funny, laugh, laughing, happy, joyful
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT75.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, Plattenbausiedlung, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Armenviertel, Kind, Kinder, Maedchen, Kindheit, Schwestern, Schwester, Geschwister, Spielplatz, Kinderspielplatz, Spiel, spielen, Freizeit, 3-5 Jahre, 6-8 Jahre, weinen, weint, weinend, traurig, Blick in die Kamera, Wippe | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Prefabricated housing estate, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Slum, child, children, girl, childhood, sisters, sister, siblings, brothers and sisters, Playground, Children's Playground, game, play, leisure, 3-5 years, 6-8 years, cry, cries, weeps, crying, sad, Looking to the camera, Seesaw
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT74.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorAlte Maenner spielen Schach in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 20.08.2010 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Old men playing chess in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 20.08.2010 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Alte Maenner, Alter Mann, spielen, Spiel, Schach, Schachspiel, Senioren, Rentner, Alte Menschen, Alter, Bejahrt, Alt, Tradition, Einheimische, Bevoelkerung, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Armenviertel, Freizeit, Freizeitaktivitaet, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Freizeitvergnuegen | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, old men, old man, play, game, Chess, Chess game, Seniors, Pensioner, old people, age, aged, old, Locals, population, life style, society, Mode of life, Slum, leisure, Leisure activity, Leisure activities
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT63.jpg
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT76.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorPlattenbau in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 20.08.2010 . | Prefab in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 20.08.2010 . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Plattenbausiedlung, Armenviertel, Elendsviertel, Froschperspektive | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Prefabricated housing estate, Slum, Frog perspective
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT80.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, Plattenbausiedlung, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Armenviertel, Kind, Kinder, Kindheit, Bruder, Geschwister, Spielplatz, Kinderspielplatz, Spiel, spielen, Freizeit, 8-10 Jahre, Blick in die Kamera, Klettergeruest, Junge, Jungs | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Prefabricated housing estate, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Slum, child, children, childhood, brother, siblings, brothers and sisters, Playground, Children's Playground, game, play, leisure, 8-10 years, Looking to the camera, Climber, climbing structure, boy, boys
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT89.jpg
Caption: Ulan Bator bei Nacht|Ulan Bator by nightFensterlicht in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 20.08.2010 . | Window light in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 20.08.2010 . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Nachtaufnahme, Nacht, nachts, Licht, Lichter, Beleuchtung, Feature, Stadt, Stadtleben, Stadtansicht, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, Fensterlicht, Fensterlichter, Ulan Bator, Mongolei, Ulaanbaatar, Asien | Landscape format, horizontal format, Night Shot, Night, by night, light, lights, Lighting, city, town, City life, City View, Building, house, houses, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, Window light, Window lights, Mongolia, Asia
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT68.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorAlte Maenner beim Gesellschaftsspiel in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 20.08.2010 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Old men playing parlor game in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 20.08.2010 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Alte Maenner, Alter Mann, spielen, Spiel, Senioren, Rentner, Alte Menschen, Alter, Bejahrt, Alt, Tradition, Einheimische, Bevoelkerung, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Armenviertel, Freizeit, Freizeitaktivitaet, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Freizeitvergnuegen, Gesellschaftsspiel, Gesellschaftsspiele, Domino, Dominospiel | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, old men, old man, play, game, Seniors, Pensioner, old people, age, aged, old, Locals, population, life style, society, Mode of life, Slum, leisure, Leisure activity, Leisure Activities, Parlor game, Parlor games, Domino game
Dateiname: 100820_KMON_PHT77.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorSpielplatz in einer Plattenbausiedlung in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 20.08.2010 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Playground in a prefabricated housing estate in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 20.08.2010 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, Plattenbausiedlung, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Armenviertel, Kind, Kinder, Kindheit, Spielplatz, Kinderspielplatz, Spiel, spielen, Freizeit | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Prefabricated housing estate, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Slum, child, children, childhood, Playground, Children's Playground, game, play, spare time
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT19.jpg
Datum: 19.08.2010
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorAlte Maenner spielen Domino in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 19.08.2010 . | Old men playing dominoes in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 19.08.2010 . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Alte Maenner, Alter Mann, spielen, Spiel, Domino, Dominospiel, Senioren, Rentner, Alte Menschen, Alter, Bejahrt, Alt, Tradition, Einheimische, Bevoelkerung, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Armenviertel, Freizeit, Park, Garten, Spielplatz, Freizeitaktivitaet, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Freizeitvergnuegen | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, old men, old man, play, game, Domino game, Seniors, Pensioner, old people, age, aged, old, Locals, population, life style, society, Mode of life, Slum, leisure, Garden, Playground, Leisure activity, Leisure activities
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT03.jpg
Caption: Ulan Bator , Mongolei|Ulan Bator , MongoliaKinder im Sandkasten in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 19.08.2010 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Children in the sandbox in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 19.08.2010 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Asiaten, Asiate, Menschen, Zwei, Kind, Kinder, Kleinkind, Maedchen, 1-3 Jahre, 3-5 Jahre, Geschwister, Schwester, Schwestern, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Einheimische, Kindheit, Spielen, Spielend, Spielt, spielende, Sandkasten, Spielplatz, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Kinderspielplatz, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, Plattenbau, Plattenbauten, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Asians, Asian, human beings, two, child, children, Toddler, girl, 1-3 years, 3-5 years, siblings, brothers and sisters, sister, sisters, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, Locals, childhood, play, playing, plays, Sandbox, Playground, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Children's Playground, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, Prefab, Prefabs, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT15.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorPlattenbau in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 19.08.2010 . | Prefab in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 19.08.2010 . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Auto, Autos, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Basketballkorb, Basketball, Jugendliche, Jugend, junge Menschen, Sport, spielen, Spiel, Armenviertel, Freizeitaktivitaet, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Freizeitvergnuegen, Freizeit | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Car, cars, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Basketball basket, Young persons, youth, Young people, play, game, Slum, Leisure activity, Leisure Activities, spare time
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT11.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Parkplatz, Parkplaetze, Auto, Autos, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Basketballkorb, Basketball, Jugendliche, Jugend, junge Menschen, Sport, spielen, Spiel, Armenviertel, Plattenbausiedlung | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Parking, Parking places, Car, cars, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Basketball basket, Young persons, youth, Young people, play, game, Slum, Prefabricated housing estate
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT12.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Parkplatz, Parkplaetze, Auto, Autos, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Alte Maenner, Alter Mann, spielen, Spiel, Domino, Dominospiel, Senioren, Rentner, Alte Menschen, Alter, Bejahrt, Alt, Tradition, Einheimische, Bevoelkerung, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Armenviertel, Freizeit, Freizeitaktivitaet, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Freizeitvergnuegen | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Parking, Parking places, Car, cars, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, old men, old man, play, game, Domino game, Seniors, Pensioner, old people, age, aged, old, Locals, population, life style, society, Mode of life, Slum, leisure, Leisure activity, Leisure activities
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT10.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Parkplatz, Parkplaetze, Auto, Autos, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Plattenbausiedlung | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Parking, Parking places, Car, cars, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Prefabricated housing estate
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT05.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Elendsviertel, Ghetto | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Slum, Ghetto
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT51.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Alte Maenner, Alter Mann, spielen, Spiel, Domino, Dominospiel, Senioren, Rentner, Alte Menschen, Alter, Bejahrt, Alt, Tradition, Einheimische, Bevoelkerung, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Armenviertel, Freizeit, Park, Garten, Spielplatz, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Freizeitaktivitaet, Freizeitvergnuegen | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, old men, old man, play, game, Domino game, Seniors, Pensioner, old people, age, aged, old, Locals, population, life style, society, Mode of life, Slum, leisure, Garden, Playground, Leisure activity, Leisure activities
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT04.jpg
Caption: Ulan Bator , Mongolei|Ulan Bator , MongoliaBasketballkorb -Ulan Bator , Mongolei . 19.08.2010 . | Basketball basket in Ulan Bator , Mongolia . 19.08.2010 . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Spielplatz, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Kinderspielplatz, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, Sport, Basketballkorb, Basketball, verrostet, alt, blauer Himmel, Ballsportart, eingerostet, eingerosteter, verrosteter, Sportgeraet, Rost, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, Playground, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Children's Playground, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, Basketball basket, rusty, old, blue sky, Ball Sports, Sports Equipment, rust, dilapidated, Prefabs, panel
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT13.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorJunge mit Karies in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 19.08.2010 . | Boy with caries in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 19.08.2010 . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Kind, Kinder, Junge, Kindheit, Karies, Gesundheit, Gesundheitsvorsorge, verfaulte Zaehne, Zahn, Zaehne, ausfallen, Mundhygiene, Zahnschmerzen, Krankheit, 6-8 Jahre, Armenviertel | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, child, children, boy, childhood, Caries, health, Health care, Rotten teeth, tooth, Teeth, fall out, Dental hygiene, Toothache, Disease, 6-8 years, Poor district
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT14.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorMaenner spielen Schach in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 19.08.2010 . | Men playing chess in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 19.08.2010 . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, aermlich, verfallen, Parkplatz, Parkplaetze, Auto, Autos, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Alte Maenner, Alter Mann, spielen, Spiel, Schach, Schachspiel, Senioren, Rentner, Alte Menschen, Alter, Bejahrt, Alt, Tradition, Einheimische, Bevoelkerung, Lebensstil, Gesellschaft, Lebensform, Armenviertel, Mann, Maenner, Blick in die Kamera, Gruppe, Freizeit, Freizeitaktivitaet, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Freizeitvergnuegen | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Forfeited, Parking, Parking places, Car, cars, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, old men, old man, play, game, Chess, Chess game, Seniors, Pensioner, old people, age, aged, old, Locals, population, life style, society, Mode of life, Slum, Man, men, Looking to the camera, group, leisure, Leisure activity, Leisure activities
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT23.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorKinder in einer Plattenbausiedlung in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 19.08.2010 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Children in a prefabricated housing estate in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 19.08.2010 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, Plattenbausiedlung, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Armenviertel, Kind, Kinder, Junge, Jungs, Jungen, Kindheit, Freunde, Schulkinder, Freizeit, 7-9 Jahre, 8-10 Jahre, Freundschaft, chillen, skaten, Skateboard, abhaengen, Perspektivlosigkeit, Generation | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Prefabricated housing estate, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Slum, child, children, boy, boys, childhood, friends, School children, leisure, 7-9 years, 8-10 years, friendship, chill out, skate, hanging out, without prospects, Generation
Dateiname: 100819_KMBZ_PHT21.jpg
Caption: Plattenbau in Ulan Bator|Prefab in Ulan BatorMaedchen spielen an einem Klettergeruest in einer Plattenbausiedlung in Ulan Bator . Mongolei . 19.08.2010 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Girls playing on a climbing frame in a prefabricated housing estate in Ulan Bator . Mongolia . 19.08.2010 . NO MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright : Thomas Koehler/|
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Asien, Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei, Ausland, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, Stadt, Architektur, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, arm, Armut, Soziales, Wohnsiedlung, Stadtleben, Alltag, Sozialwohnung, Sozialwohnungen, heruntergekommen, Plattenbauten, Platte, Plattenbau, Plattenbausiedlung, aermlich, verfallen, Hochhaus, Hochhaeuser, grau, Betonbauten, Armenviertel, Kind, Kinder, Maedchen, Kindheit, Freundin, Freunde, Schulkinder, Spielplatz, Kinderspielplatz, Klettergeruest, klettern, Spiel, spielen, Freizeit, 7-9 Jahre, 8-10 Jahre, Freundschaft, Spassig, Spass, Blick in die Kamera | Landscape format, horizontal format, Asia, Mongolia, Foreign countries, Developing country, Developing countries, city, town, Architecture, Residential building, Residential buildings, Block of flats, Apartment house, poor, Poverty, social, Housing development, City life, Everyday life, Social housing apartment, Social housing apartments, dilapidated, Prefabs, slab, Prefab, Prefabricated housing estate, Forfeited, Skyscraper, Skyscrapers, gray, Concrete constructions, Slum, child, children, girl, childhood, female friend, friends, School children, Playground, Children's Playground, Climber, climbing structure, climb, game, play, leisure, 7-9 years, 8-10 years, friendship, funny, fun, Looking to the camera