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Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT30.jpg
Datum: 07.03.2012
Ort: Wolfsburg
Bildnachweis: Thomas Imo/
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Caption: Volkswagenwerk in WolfsburgVolkswagenwerk in Wolfsburg, Deutschland. 07.03.2012 . KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, NO MODEL RELEASE . Copyright: Thomas Imo/
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Logo, Logos, Emblem, Firmenname, Firmenlogo, company logo, Firmenemblem, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, symbolic image, symbolic photo, symbolic
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT07.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 40-45 Jahre, 40-45 years, 40-45
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT43.jpg
Caption: Volkswagenwerk in WolfsburgVolkswagenwerk in Wolfsburg, Deutschland. 07.03.2012 . Copyright: Thomas Imo/
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, job, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Roboter, Roboterfertigung, Fertigungsroboter, automation, Transportband, Transportbaender, belt, Detail, Nahaufnahme, closeup view, close-up view, Massenproduktion
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT08.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT34.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 40-45 Jahre, 40-45 years, 40-45, 45-50 Jahre, 45-50 years, 45-50
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT63.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT14.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT17.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT45.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT35.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, Junger Mann, young man, Junge Maenner, young men, 20-30 Jahre, 20-30 years, 20-30, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, 20-25 Jahre, 20-25 years, 20-25
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT56.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT58.jpg
Stichworte: Auslaender Immigrant Zuwanderer Einwanderer Aussiedler fremd Suedeuropaeer Querformat QF horizontal format landscape format Feature Wirtschaft economy Industrie industry Auto Pkw Fahrzeug car passenger car motor vehicle automotive Autos Personenkraftwagen Fahrzeuge cars passenger cars motor vehicles automotives Fliessband Fliessbandfertigung Fliessbaender Fliessbandarbeit asembly line assembly lines conveyor belt conveyor belts production line band-conveyor assembly belt production belt-system working assembly line production mass production assembly line work assembly-line work Produktion Fertigung Herstellung Produktionsstaette production manufactoring manufacture manufacturing plant production plant Unternehmen Firma business company Produkt product Wirtschaftsstandort Standort business location industrial location location Konzern concern corporate VW Volkswagen Touran Tiguan Volkswagen Group Production Plants Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg Deutschland Germany Golf Autobauer Automatisierung Fliessbandarbeiter engineering Golfklasse Konstruktion construction KFZ Qualitat quality Qualitaetsstandard Werkshalle Werkshallen workshop factory work floor Werkhalle Werkhallen Menschen People Person Arbeit work Arbeitswelt Berufsleben Job working world working environment working life Arbeiter worker workers Arbeitgeber employer Arbeitnehmer employee jobholder Arbeitskleidung Berufskleidung workwear working clothes professional clothing Arbeitskraft manpower Arbeitskraefte Belegschaft workforce workmen Arbeitsplatz employment Arbeitsplaetze jobs Arbeitsbedingungen conditions of employment conditions of work Mann man Maenner men maennlich maennliche maennlicher maennliches male weiss white weisse weisser weisses Handschuhe Handschuh Schutzhandschuhe Schutzhandschuh glove gloves protective glove protective gloves assembly line worker assembly-line worker Einzelperson single person 30-35 Jahre 30-35 years 30-35
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT31.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Zwei, two, Zwei Personen, Zwei Menschen, two people, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Frau, woman, Frauen, women, weiblich, female, 40-45 Jahre, 40-45 years, 40-45, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Arbeiterin, female worker, Arbeiterinnen, female workers
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT51.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, job, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Roboter, Roboterfertigung, Fertigungsroboter, automation, Transportband, Transportbaender, belt
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT09.jpg
Stichworte: Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, 20-30 Jahre, 20-30 years, 20-30, Quadrat, quadratisch, quadrate
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT15.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, assembly line workers, assembly-line workers, Einige, some
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT06.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT01.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Zwei, two, Zwei Personen, Zwei Menschen, two people, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Motor, Motorraum, Motorhaube, engine compartment, engine, engine hood, engine bonnet
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT33.jpg
Stichworte: Auslaender Immigrant Zuwanderer Einwanderer Aussiedler fremd Suedeuropaeer Querformat QF horizontal format landscape format Feature Wirtschaft economy Industrie industry Auto Pkw Fahrzeug car passenger car motor vehicle automotive Autos Personenkraftwagen Fahrzeuge cars passenger cars motor vehicles automotives Fliessband Fliessbandfertigung Fliessbaender Fliessbandarbeit asembly line assembly lines conveyor belt conveyor belts production line band-conveyor assembly belt production belt-system working assembly line production mass production assembly line work assembly-line work Produktion Fertigung Herstellung Produktionsstaette production manufactoring manufacture manufacturing plant production plant Unternehmen Firma business company Produkt product Wirtschaftsstandort Standort business location industrial location location Konzern concern corporate VW Volkswagen Touran Tiguan Volkswagen Group Production Plants Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg Deutschland Germany Golf Autobauer Automatisierung Fliessbandarbeiter engineering Golfklasse Konstruktion construction KFZ Qualitat quality Qualitaetsstandard Werkshalle Werkshallen workshop factory work floor Werkhalle Werkhallen Menschen People Person Zwei two Zwei Personen Zwei Menschen two people Arbeit work Arbeitswelt Berufsleben Job working world working environment working life Arbeiter worker workers Arbeitgeber employer Arbeitnehmer employee jobholder Arbeitskleidung Berufskleidung workwear working clothes professional clothing Arbeitskraft manpower Arbeitskraefte Belegschaft workforce workmen Arbeitsplatz employment Arbeitsplaetze jobs Arbeitsbedingungen conditions of employment conditions of work Mann man Maenner men maennlich maennliche maennlicher maennliches male Handschuhe Handschuh Schutzhandschuhe Schutzhandschuh glove gloves protective glove protective gloves assembly line worker assembly-line worker 40-45 Jahre 40-45 years 40-45 45-50 Jahre 45-50 years 45-50
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT19.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Zwei, two, Zwei Personen, Zwei Menschen, two people, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Scheibe, Frontscheibe, glass, front screen, windshield
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT23.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT64.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT40.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, job, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Roboter, Roboterfertigung, Fertigungsroboter, automation, Roboterarm, Roboterarme
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT25.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Logo, Logos, Emblem, Firmenname, Firmenlogo, company logo, Firmenemblem, polieren, polishing
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT27.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT61.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT60.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT38.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT54.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT44.jpg
Stichworte: Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Zwei, two, Zwei Personen, Zwei Menschen, two people, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Frau, woman, Frauen, women, weiblich, female, 40-45 Jahre, 40-45 years, 40-45, Arbeiterin, female worker, Arbeiterinnen, female workers, Hochformat, HF, Upright Format
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT12.jpg
Stichworte: Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, 35-40 Jahre, 35-40 years, 35-40, Quadrat, quadratisch, quadrate
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT10.jpg
Stichworte: Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, 35-40 Jahre, 35-40 years, 35-40
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT41.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, job, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Roboter, Roboterfertigung, Fertigungsroboter, automation, Roboterarm, Roboterarme, Transportband, Transportbaender, belt
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT20.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT55.jpg
Caption: Arbeitsschutzhandschuhe im Volkswagenwerk in WolfsburgArbeitsschutzhandschuhe im Volkswagenwerk in Wolfsburg, Deutschland. 07.03.2012 . Copyright: Thomas Imo/
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Golfklasse, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, Stapel, pile, Arbeitshandschuhe, Arbeitsschutz, Arbeitssicherheit, Unfallschutz, safety at work, industrial safety, protection against accidents, Arbeitsunfall, Arbeitsunfaelle, work accident, industrial injury, work accidents, Unfall, Unfaelle, accident, accidents, Unfallgefahr, gefaehrlich, accident hazard, accident risk, hazardous, unsafe, viele, many, Vorrat, working gloves
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT02.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT18.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT62.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT03.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Motor, Motorraum, Motorhaube, engine compartment, engine, engine hood, engine bonnet, Einzelperson, single person
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT04.jpg
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT11.jpg
Stichworte: Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, 35-40 Jahre, 35-40 years, 35-40, Hochformat, HF, Upright Format
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT53.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, job, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT21.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker, Einzelperson, single person, Junge Frauen, young women, Junge Frau, young woman, 20-25 Jahre, 20-25 years, 20-25, Frau, woman, Frauen, women, weiblich, female, weibliche, weiblicher, weibliches, Logo, Logos, Emblem, Firmenemblem, Firmenname, Firmenlogo, company logo, Arbeiterin, female worker, Arbeiterinnen, female workers
Dateiname: 120307_IVW_PHT13.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Wirtschaft, economy, Industrie, industry, Auto, Pkw, Fahrzeug, car, passenger car, motor vehicle, automotive, Autos, Personenkraftwagen, Fahrzeuge, cars, passenger cars, motor vehicles, automotives, Fliessband, Fliessbandfertigung, Fliessbaender, Fliessbandarbeit, asembly line, assembly lines, conveyor belt, conveyor belts, production line, band-conveyor, assembly belt production, belt-system working, assembly line production, mass production, assembly line work, assembly-line work, Produktion, Fertigung, Herstellung, Produktionsstaette, production, manufactoring, manufacture, manufacturing plant, production plant, Unternehmen, Firma, business, company, Produkt, product, Wirtschaftsstandort, Standort, business location, industrial location, location, Konzern, concern, corporate, VW, Volkswagen, Touran, Tiguan, Volkswagen Group Production Plants, Volkswagenwerk, Wolfsburg, Deutschland, Germany, Golf, Autobauer, Automatisierung, Fliessbandarbeiter, engineering, Golfklasse, Konstruktion, construction, KFZ, Qualitat, quality, Qualitaetsstandard, Werkshalle, Werkshallen, workshop, factory work floor, Werkhalle, Werkhallen, Menschen, People, Person, Zwei, two, Zwei Personen, Zwei Menschen, two people, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitgeber, employer, Arbeitnehmer, employee, jobholder, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, maennliche, maennlicher, maennliches, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, weiss, white, weisse, weisser, weisses, Handschuhe, Handschuh, Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzhandschuh, glove, gloves, protective glove, protective gloves, assembly line worker, assembly-line worker
Dateiname: 120131_TBMZ_PHT55.jpg
Datum: 31.01.2012
Ort: Madaba
Bildnachweis: Thomas Trutschel/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +493028097440 - - Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: KlaeranlageKlaeranlage MADABA. Madaba, Jordanien. 31.01.2012. Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Ausland, foreign country, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Wirtschaft, economy, Umwelt, environment, Wasser, water, Abwasseranlage, Abwasser, Abwasseraufbereitung, Abwasserreinigung, Anlage, Wasserreinigung, waste water, waste water plant, wastewater system, sewage treatment, wastewater treatment, wastewater purification, sewage purification, water purification, plant, Klaeranlage, Klaeranlagen, Klaerwerk, Klaerwerke, sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plants, sewage works, wastewater treatment plant, wastewater treatment plants, Klaerbecken, Belebungsbecken, Belebungsanlage, clarifier, settling basin, settling pit, aeration basin, aeration tank, activated sludge tank, Wasserbedarf, Trinkwasserversorgung, Wasserversorgung, Wassergewinnung, Trinkwasserqualitaet, Wasserqualitaet, water demand, water need, drinking water supply, water system, water supply, water catchment, water procurement, drinking water quality, water quality, Wasserknappheit, Wassermangel, water shortage, water deficiency, Wasserbecken, Becken, tank, water basin, Wasserverbrauch, water consumption, Madaba, Jordan, Jordanien, Schaum, Schlamm, Wasserkreislauf, Wasserwirtschaft, Belueftung, Bakterien, Industrie, industry, Industrieanlage, industrial plant, bakteria, Kreislauf, cycle, water cycle, water supply and distribution, water management, scum, Schlacke, schaeumend, schaeumendes, schaeumender, spritzend, spritzendes, sprudeln, sprudelnd, sprudelndes, sprudelnder, bubbly, splashing, splashy
Dateiname: 120131_TBMZ_PHT59.jpg
Caption: KlaeranlageTechniker in der Klaeranlage MADABA. Madaba, Jordanien. 31.01.2012. KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, NO MODEL RELEASE . Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Ausland, foreign country, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Wirtschaft, economy, Umwelt, environment, Wasser, water, Abwasseranlage, Abwasser, Abwasseraufbereitung, Abwasserreinigung, Anlage, Wasserreinigung, waste water, waste water plant, wastewater system, sewage treatment, wastewater treatment, wastewater purification, sewage purification, water purification, plant, Klaeranlage, Klaeranlagen, Klaerwerk, Klaerwerke, sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plants, sewage works, wastewater treatment plant, wastewater treatment plants, Klaerbecken, Belebungsbecken, Belebungsanlage, clarifier, settling basin, settling pit, aeration basin, aeration tank, activated sludge tank, Wasserbedarf, Trinkwasserversorgung, Wasserversorgung, Wassergewinnung, Trinkwasserqualitaet, Wasserqualitaet, water demand, water need, drinking water supply, water system, water supply, water catchment, water procurement, drinking water quality, water quality, Wasserknappheit, Wassermangel, water shortage, water deficiency, Wasserbecken, Becken, tank, water basin, Wasserverbrauch, water consumption, Madaba, Jordan, Jordanien, Schlamm, Wasserkreislauf, Wasserwirtschaft, Industrie, industry, Industrieanlage, industrial plant, Kreislauf, cycle, water cycle, water supply and distribution, water management, Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 40-45 Jahre, 40-45 years, 40-45, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Techniker, repairperson, technician, Mitarbeiter, Schaum, scum, Bakterien, bacteria, sprudelnd, schaeumend, bubbly, foaming
Dateiname: 120131_TBMZ_PHT60.jpg
Dateiname: 120131_TBMZ_PHT56.jpg
Dateiname: 120131_TBMZ_PHT74.jpg
Stichworte: Feature, Ausland, foreign country, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Wirtschaft, economy, Umwelt, environment, Wasser, water, Abwasseranlage, Abwasser, Abwasseraufbereitung, Abwasserreinigung, Anlage, Wasserreinigung, waste water, waste water plant, wastewater system, sewage treatment, wastewater treatment, wastewater purification, sewage purification, water purification, plant, Klaeranlage, Klaeranlagen, Klaerwerk, Klaerwerke, sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plants, sewage works, wastewater treatment plant, wastewater treatment plants, Klaerbecken, Belebungsbecken, Belebungsanlage, clarifier, settling basin, settling pit, aeration basin, aeration tank, activated sludge tank, Wasserbedarf, Trinkwasserversorgung, Wasserversorgung, Wassergewinnung, Trinkwasserqualitaet, Wasserqualitaet, water demand, water need, drinking water supply, water system, water supply, water catchment, water procurement, drinking water quality, water quality, Wasserknappheit, Wassermangel, water shortage, water deficiency, Wasserbecken, Becken, tank, water basin, Wasserverbrauch, water consumption, Madaba, Jordan, Jordanien, Schlamm, Wasserkreislauf, Wasserwirtschaft, Industrie, industry, Industrieanlage, industrial plant, Kreislauf, cycle, water cycle, water supply and distribution, water management, Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 40-45 Jahre, 40-45 years, 40-45, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Techniker, repairperson, technician, Mitarbeiter, scum, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Klaerschlamm, Rohr, Rohre, pipe, pipes, Zulauf
Dateiname: 120131_TBMZ_PHT57.jpg
Stichworte: Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Ausland, foreign country, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Wirtschaft, economy, Umwelt, environment, Wasser, water, Abwasseranlage, Abwasser, Abwasseraufbereitung, Abwasserreinigung, Anlage, Wasserreinigung, waste water, waste water plant, wastewater system, sewage treatment, wastewater treatment, wastewater purification, sewage purification, water purification, plant, Klaeranlage, Klaeranlagen, Klaerwerk, Klaerwerke, sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plants, sewage works, wastewater treatment plant, wastewater treatment plants, Klaerbecken, Belebungsbecken, Belebungsanlage, clarifier, settling basin, settling pit, aeration basin, aeration tank, activated sludge tank, Wasserbedarf, Trinkwasserversorgung, Wasserversorgung, Wassergewinnung, Trinkwasserqualitaet, Wasserqualitaet, water demand, water need, drinking water supply, water system, water supply, water catchment, water procurement, drinking water quality, water quality, Wasserknappheit, Wassermangel, water shortage, water deficiency, Wasserbecken, Becken, tank, water basin, Wasserverbrauch, water consumption, Madaba, Jordan, Jordanien, Schlamm, Wasserkreislauf, Wasserwirtschaft, Industrie, industry, Industrieanlage, industrial plant, Kreislauf, cycle, water cycle, water supply and distribution, water management, Menschen, People, Person, Einzelperson, single person, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 40-45 Jahre, 40-45 years, 40-45, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Techniker, repairperson, technician, Mitarbeiter