G8 Gipfel in Gleneagle
vorne links, George W. BUSH , Praesident der USA, Jacques CHIRAC , Frankreich , Tony BLAIR, UK, Vladimir PUTIN, Russland , Gerhard SCHROEDER, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, hinten links, Paul MARTIN Kanada, Junichiro KOIZUMI, Japan, Silvio BERLUSCONI, Italien, Jose Manuel BARROSO, EU Praesident auf dem G8 Gipfel in Gleneagles, 08.07.2005. Leaders of the G8 nations and African nations at the Gleneagles G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, today 8 July 2005. President George Bush, USA, President Jacques Chirac, France, Prime Minister Tony Blair, UK, President Vladimir Putin, Russia, Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, Germany, Back row: Prime Minister Paul Martin, Canada, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, Japan, President Silivio Berlusconi, Italy, President of the EU, Jose Manuel Barroso , © (c) by T. Imo/ photothek.net , POLITIK , POLITICS , USA , PRESIDENT , DRITTE WELT , VN , VEREINTE NATIONEN , UN , UNITED NATIONS , GRUPPENBILD , GROUP PICTURE , STATTSMAENNER ,