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Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT06.jpg
Datum: 08.05.2011
Ort: Bonn
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +492195932470, www. photothek .net. Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt ! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: A voluntary worker of Familienkreis e.V. association in Bonn supporting a woman seeking asylum at the authorities. Bonn, Germany. 08.05.2011. MODEL RELEASE available.Eine ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiterin des Familienkreis e . V . in Bonn unterstuetzt eine Asylantin bei der Erledigung von Behoerdengaengen . Bonn , Deutschland . 08 . 05 . 2011 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | A voluntary worker of Familienkreis e . V . association in Bonn supporting a woman seeking asylum at the authorities . Bonn , Germany . 08 . 05 . 2011 . MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright : Ute Grabowsky/ |
Stichworte: Menschen, Querformat, Feature, Frau, Frauen, weiblich, 40-45 Jahre, 30-35 Jahre, Afrikanerin, Afrikanerinnen, dunkelhaeutige, farbige, Ehrenamt, ehrenamtlich, ehrenamtliche, Mitarbeiterin, Faminlienkreis, Asylantin, Asyl, Behoerdengang, Behoerdengaenge, Asylbewerber, Asylbewerberin, Beratungszimmer, Beratung, Hilfe, Unterstuetzung, Behoerde, Auslaenderin, Asylsuchende, Antrag, Antraege, Asylantrag, besprechen, Einwanderung, Einwanderin, Einwanderer, Emigrant, Fluechtling, Fluechtlinge, beraten, Beratungszentrum, helfen, Sozialarbeit, Sozialdienst, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Zuwanderung, Zivilgesellschaft, Kind, Kinder, Junge, Jungs, Jungen, 4-6 Jahre, 6-8 Jahre, Kindheit, Fluechtlingskind, Fluechtlingskinder, Mutter, Familie, Bonn, vorlesen, Buch, Kinderbuch, Kinderbuecher, Spiel, spielen, Sessel, | human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, woman, women, female, 40-45 years, 30-35 years, African woman, African women, dark-skinned, Colored, Coloured, Volunteering, volunteer, Female Employee, family circle, asylum seeker, Asylum, going to the authorities, female asylum seeker, consulting room, Consultation, advice, help, support, Authority, foreign girl or woman, asylum seekers, application, applications, application for asylum, talk, immigration, female immigrant, immigrant, refugee, refugees, advise, counseling center, Social work, social services, social, society, civil society, child, children, boy, boys, 4-6 years, 6-8 years, childhood, refugee child, refugee children, mother, Family, read, book, Children's book, children's books, game, play, armchair
Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT07.jpg
Caption: A voluntary worker of Familienkreis e.V. association in Bonn supporting a woman seeking asylum at the authorities and playing with children. Bonn, Germany. 08.05.2011. MODEL RELEASE available.Eine ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiterin des Familienkreis e . V . in Bonn unterstuetzt eine Asylantin bei der Erledigung von Behoerdengaengen und spielt mit Kindern . Bonn , Deutschland . 08 . 05 . 2011 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | A voluntary worker of Familienkreis e . V . association in Bonn supporting a woman seeking asylum at the authorities and playing with children . Bonn , Germany . 08 . 05 . 2011 . MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright : Ute Grabowsky/ |
Stichworte: Menschen, Querformat, Feature, Frau, Frauen, weiblich, 40-45 Jahre, dunkelhaeutige, farbige, Ehrenamt, ehrenamtlich, ehrenamtliche, Mitarbeiterin, Faminlienkreis, Asylantin, Asyl, Behoerdengang, Behoerdengaenge, Asylbewerber, Asylbewerberin, Beratungszimmer, Beratung, Hilfe, Unterstuetzung, Behoerde, Asylsuchende, Antrag, Antraege, Asylantrag, besprechen, Einwanderung, Einwanderin, Einwanderer, Emigrant, Fluechtling, Fluechtlinge, beraten, Beratungszentrum, helfen, Sozialarbeit, Sozialdienst, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Zuwanderung, Zivilgesellschaft, Kind, Kinder, Junge, Jungs, Jungen, 4-6 Jahre, 6-8 Jahre, Kindheit, Fluechtlingskind, Fluechtlingskinder, Familie, Bonn, vorlesen, Buch, Kinderbuch, Kinderbuecher, Spiel, spielen|human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, woman, women, female, 40-45 years, dark-skinned, Colored, Coloured, Volunteering, volunteer, Female Employee, family circle, asylum seeker, Asylum, going to the authorities, female asylum seeker, consulting room, Consultation, advice, help, support, Authority, asylum seekers, application, applications, application for asylum, talk, immigration, female immigrant, immigrant, refugee, refugees, advise, counseling center, Social work, social services, social, society, civil society, child, children, boy, boys, 4-6 years, 6-8 years, childhood, refugee child, refugee children, Family, read, book, Children's book, children's books, game, play
Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT09.jpg
Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT01.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, Querformat, Feature, Frau, Frauen, weiblich, 40-45 Jahre, 30-35 Jahre, Afrikanerin, Afrikanerinnen, dunkelhaeutige, farbige, Ehrenamt, ehrenamtlich, ehrenamtliche, Mitarbeiterin, Faminlienkreis, Asylantin, Asyl, Behoerdengang, Behoerdengaenge, Asylbewerber, Asylbewerberin, Beratungszimmer, Beratung, Hilfe, Unterstuetzung, Behoerde, Auslaenderin, Asylsuchende, Antrag, Antraege, Asylantrag, besprechen, Einwanderung, Einwanderin, Einwanderer, Emigrant, Fluechtling, Fluechtlinge, beraten, Beratungszentrum, helfen, Sozialarbeit, Sozialdienst, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Zuwanderung, Zivilgesellschaft, Bonn|human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, woman, women, female, 40-45 years, 30-35 years, African woman, African women, dark-skinned, Colored, Coloured, Volunteering, volunteer, Female Employee, family circle, asylum seeker, Asylum, going to the authorities, female asylum seeker, consulting room, Consultation, advice, help, support, Authority, foreign girl or woman, asylum seekers, application, applications, application for asylum, talk, immigration, female immigrant, immigrant, refugee, refugees, advise, counseling center, Social work, social services, social, society, civil society, Bonn
Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT03.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, Querformat, Feature, Frau, Frauen, weiblich, 40-45 Jahre, 30-35 Jahre, Afrikanerin, Afrikanerinnen, dunkelhaeutige, farbige, Ehrenamt, ehrenamtlich, ehrenamtliche, Mitarbeiterin, Faminlienkreis, Asylantin, Asyl, Behoerdengang, Behoerdengaenge, Asylbewerber, Asylbewerberin, Beratungszimmer, Beratung, Hilfe, Unterstuetzung, Behoerde, Auslaenderin, Asylsuchende, Antrag, Antraege, Asylantrag, besprechen, Einwanderung, Einwanderin, Einwanderer, Emigrant, Fluechtling, Fluechtlinge, beraten, Beratungszentrum, helfen, Sozialarbeit, Sozialdienst, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Zuwanderung, Zivilgesellschaft, Bonn, | human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, woman, women, female, 40-45 years, 30-35 years, African woman, African women, dark-skinned, Colored, Coloured, Volunteering, volunteer, Female Employee, family circle, asylum seeker, Asylum, going to the authorities, female asylum seeker, consulting room, Consultation, advice, help, support, Authority, foreign girl or woman, asylum seekers, application, applications, application for asylum, talk, immigration, female immigrant, immigrant, refugee, refugees, advise, counseling center, Social work, social services, social, society, civil society
Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT05.jpg
Caption: Female asylum seeker at the Familienkreis e.V., an association managed by volunteers in Bonn, Germany. 08.05.2011. MODEL RELEASE available.Asylantin im ehrenamtlich gefuehrten Familienkreis e . V . Bonn , Deutschland . 08 . 05 . 2011 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Female asylum seeker at the Familienkreis e . V . , an association managed by volunteers in Bonn , Germany . 08 . 05 . 2011 . MODEL RELEASE available . | Copyright : Ute Grabowsky/ |
Stichworte: Menschen, Querformat, Feature, Frau, Frauen, weiblich, 30-35 Jahre, Afrikanerin, Afrikanerinnen, dunkelhaeutige, farbige, Ehrenamt, ehrenamtlich, ehrenamtliche, Faminlienkreis, Asylantin, Asyl, Behhoerdengang, Behoerdengang, Asylbewerber, Asylbewerberin, Beratungszimmer, Beratung, Hilfe, Unterstuetzung, Behoerde, Auslaenderin, Asylsuchende, Antrag, Antraege, Asylantrag, Einwanderung, Einwanderin, Einwanderer, Emigrant, Fluechtling, Fluechtlinge, beraten, Beratungszentrum, helfen, Sozialarbeit, Sozialdienst, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Zuwanderung, Zivilgesellschaft, Kind, Kinder, Junge, Jungs, Jungen, 4-6 Jahre, 6-8 Jahre, Kindheit, Fluechtlingskind, Fluechtlingskinder, Mutter, Familie, Bonn, Blick in die Kamera, gluecklich, lachen, freundlich, Familienportraet, glueckliche|human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, woman, women, female, 30-35 years, African woman, African women, dark-skinned, Colored, Coloured, Volunteering, volunteer, family circle, asylum seeker, Asylum, going to a public authority, going to the authorities, female asylum seeker, consulting room, Consultation, advice, help, support, Authority, foreign girl or woman, asylum seekers, application, applications, application for asylum, immigration, female immigrant, immigrant, refugee, refugees, advise, counseling center, Social work, social services, social, society, civil society, child, children, boy, boys, 4-6 years, 6-8 years, childhood, refugee child, refugee children, mother, Family, Looking to the camera, happy, laugh, friendly, Family Portrait
Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT08.jpg
Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT02.jpg
Dateiname: 110508_UEHRE_PHT04.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, Querformat, Feature, Frau, Frauen, weiblich, 40-45 Jahre, 30-35 Jahre, Afrikanerin, Afrikanerinnen, dunkelhaeutige, farbige, Ehrenamt, ehrenamtlich, ehrenamtliche, Mitarbeiterin, Faminlienkreis, Asylantin, Asyl, Behoerdengang, Behoerdengaenge, Asylbewerber, Asylbewerberin, Beratungszimmer, Beratung, Hilfe, Unterstuetzung, Behoerde, Auslaenderin, Asylsuchende, Antrag, Antraege, Asylantrag, besprechen, Einwanderung, Einwanderin, Einwanderer, Emigrant, Fluechtling, Fluechtlinge, beraten, Beratungszentrum, helfen, Sozialarbeit, Sozialdienst, Soziales, Gesellschaft, Zuwanderung, Zivilgesellschaft, Kind, Kinder, Junge, Jungs, Jungen, 4-6 Jahre, 6-8 Jahre, Kindheit, Fluechtlingskind, Fluechtlingskinder, Mutter, Familie, Bonn|human beings, Landscape format, horizontal format, woman, women, female, 40-45 years, 30-35 years, African woman, African women, dark-skinned, Colored, Coloured, Volunteering, volunteer, Female Employee, family circle, asylum seeker, Asylum, going to the authorities, female asylum seeker, consulting room, Consultation, advice, help, support, Authority, foreign girl or woman, asylum seekers, application, applications, application for asylum, talk, immigration, female immigrant, immigrant, refugee, refugees, advise, counseling center, Social work, social services, social, society, civil society, child, children, boy, boys, 4-6 years, 6-8 years, childhood, refugee child, refugee children, mother, Family, Bonn
Dateiname: 100810_TFEA_PHT18.jpg
Datum: 10.08.2010
Ort: Berlin
Bildnachweis: Thomas Trutschel/
Caption: Nonnen in einer Kirche | Nuns in a churchNonnen in einer Kirche . | Nuns in a church . | Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/ |
Stichworte: Querformat, Feature, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Religion, Christ, Christen, Christentum, Glaeubig, Glaeubige, Glaeubiger, Glaube, Glauben, Katholische Kirche, Katholiken, Katholisch, Kirche, Kirchen, Kirchengebaeude, Gotteshaus, Religioes, Weltreligion, Weltreligionen, Kreuz, Christus, Christuskreuz, Jesus Christus, Jesu Christi, Nonnen, Nonne, schwarz, weiss, Austritt, Kirchenaustritt, Kirchenaustritte, Gespraech, Dialog, anonym, austreten, Seelsorge, helfen, Hilfe, Ordensschwestern, Ordensschwester, Orden, Beratung | Landscape format, horizontal format, Symbols, Icon Image, Representative photo, Symbolic, Christians, Christianity, religious, faithful, faith, Catholic Church, Catholics, Catholic, Church, Churches, Church building, Place of worship, world religion, world religions, cross, Christian cross, Jesus Christ, nuns, nun, blackz, white, Leaving, Religious disaffiliation, Religious disaffiliations, Conversation, Dialogue, anonymous, stamp out, Pastoral Care, Spiritual welfare, help, Sisters, Sister, Order, Advice
Dateiname: 100505_FBUN_PHT19.jpg
Datum: 05.05.2010
Bildnachweis: Jonas Fischer/
Caption: Angela MERKEL und Wolfgang SCHAEUBLE | Angela MERKEL and Wolfgang SCHAEUBLEAngela MERKEL , CDU , Bundeskanzlerin , und Wolfgang SCHAEUBLE , CDU , Bundesfinanzminister , im Bundestag . | Angela Merkel , German Federal Chancellor and CDU chairwoman and Wolfgang SCHAEUBLE , CDU , Federal Minister of Finance , in the Bundestag . | Copyright: Jonas Fischer/ |
Stichworte: Politik, Querformat, Akte, Unterlagen, Ordner, gesrpaech, beraten, Beratung, Besprechung | Politics, Landscape format, File, Documents, folder, discussion, advise, Consultation , advice, Meeting