Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Bundesentwicklungsminister, und Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium. Hier bei der Entheullung einer Bueste Scheels von dem Kuenstler Bertrand Freiesleben.| Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development and the former president Walter Scheel on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Here at the unveiling of a bust representing Scheel created by the artist Bertrand Freiesleben.| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Bundesentwicklungsminister, Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL und Gudrun KOPP anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium.| Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, former president Walter Scheel and Gudrun KOPP on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Bundesentwicklungsminister, und Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium. Hier bei der Entheullung einer Bueste Scheels von dem Kuenstler Bertrand Freiesleben.| Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development and the former president Walter Scheel on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Here at the unveiling of a bust representing Scheel created by the artist Bertrand Freiesleben.| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Bundesentwicklungsminister, und Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium. Hier bei der Entheullung einer Bueste Scheels von dem Kuenstler Bertrand Freiesleben (l).| Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development and the former president Walter Scheel on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Here at the unveiling of a bust representing Scheel created by the artist Bertrand Freiesleben (left).| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Bundesentwicklungsminister, Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL und Gudrun KOPP anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium.| Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, former president Walter Scheel and Gudrun KOPP on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Bundesentwicklungsminister, und Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium. Hier bei der Entheullung einer Bueste Scheels von dem Kuenstler Bertrand Freiesleben.| Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development and the former president Walter Scheel on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Here at the unveiling of a bust representing Scheel created by the artist Bertrand Freiesleben.| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
BMZ|BMZ, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium|Inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
Bueste Walter Scheel|Bust of Walter Scheel
Bueste von Altbundespraesident Walter Scheel ( Kuenstler: Bertrand Freiesleben ) anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium| Bust of former president Walter Scheel (Artist: Bertrand Freiesleben ) on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Bundesentwicklungsminister, anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium| Dirk NIEBEL, FDP, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL| Former president Walter SCHEEL
Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium,| Former president Walter SCHEEL on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development,| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|
BMZ|BMZ, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Der Kuenstler Bertrand Freiesleben, Altbundespraesident Walter SCHEEL und Gudrun KOPP anlaesslich der Einweihung des Walter-Scheel-Konferenzzentrums im Bundesentwicklungsministerium.|The artist Bertrand Freiesleben, the former president Walter Scheel and Gudrun KOPP on the occasion of the inauguration of the Walter-Scheel conference center at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.| Copyright: Thomas Koehler/photothek.net|