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Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT29.jpg
Datum: 03.08.2010
Ort: Bonn
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +492195932470, www. photothek .net. Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt ! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaEntnommene Niere bei einer Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . |Removed kidney during a kidney transplant in a hospital in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Arzt, Behandlung, Chirurg, Feature, Gesundheit, Haende, Haende in Handschuhen, Hand, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankenpfleger, Krankenschwester, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Lebendspende, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Organ, Organe, Organentnahme, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Querformat, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, gruen, steril, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Handel, Organhandel | Doctor, Physician, treatment, Surgeon, health, hands, Hands in gloves, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Nurse, Disease, Diseases, Living donor, medicine, Medical staff, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, operating room nurse, Organs, Organ removal, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Landscape format, horizontal format, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, green, sterile, aseptic, Symbols, Icon Image, Representative photo, Symbolic, Trade, Organ trade
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT62.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaNierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . | Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Aerzteteam, Aerztin, Anaesthesist, Behandlung, Chirurg, Einleitung, Feature, Gesundheit, Klinik, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaus, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Narkose, Niere, Nieren, Nierenspender, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Operationssaal, Operationsteam, Operationstisch, Organ, Organe, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Pfleger, Querformat, Schwester, Spenderniere, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, Uebersicht, Verpflanzung, gruen, steril | medical team, Female Doctor, Physician, Anesthesiologist, treatment, Surgeon, Introduction, health, clinic, hospital, sick, ill, medicine, Medical staff, Anesthesia, narcosis, kidney, kidneys, kidney donor, operating room, operating room nurse, Operation Team, Operating table, Organs, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Patients, female Patient, male nurse, Landscape format, horizontal format, sister, donor's kidney, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, general view, transplant, green, sterile, aseptic
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT30.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaEntnommene Niere bei einer Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . | Removed kidney during a kidney transplant in a hospital in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Feature, Gesundheit, Gesundheitsvorsorge, Handel, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Lebendspende, Medizin, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, OP, Operation, Operationssaal, Organ, Organe, Organhandel, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Querformat, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, lebend Niere, steril, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch | Feature, health, Health care, Trade, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Disease, Diseases, Living donor, medicine, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, Organs, Organ trade, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Landscape format, horizontal format, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, living kidney, sterile, aseptic, Symbols, Icon Image, Representative photo, Symbolic
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT66.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaPatientin im Vorbereitungssaal fuer eine Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . | Female patient in a preparation room for a kidney transplant in a hospital in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Behandlung, Feature, Gesundheit, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaus, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Medizin, Narkose, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, OP, Operation, Operationssaal, Organ, Organe, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Querformat, Spenderniere, Symbol, Symbolbild, Symbole, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, Verpflanzung, Vorbereitungsraum, Vorbereitungssaal, steril | treatment, health, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Disease, Diseases, medicine, Anesthesia, narcosis, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, Organs, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Patients, female Patient, Landscape format, horizontal format, donor's kidney, Icon Image, Symbols, Representative photo, Symbolic, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, transplant, preparation room, sterile, aseptic
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT61.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaNierenspender bei der Entnahme einer Niere in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . | Kidney donor during kidney removal in a hospital in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Hochformat, Feature, Aerztin, Anaesthesist, Behandlung, Chirurg, Gesundheit, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankenpflege, Krankenpfleger, Krankenschwester, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Narkose, Einleitung, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenleiden, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenversagen, Nierenspender, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Operationssaal, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Pfleger, Schwester, Spenderniere, Transplantation, Transplantationsoperation, Transplantation - OP, gruen, steril, Organspende, Organ, Organe, Transplantationsmedizin, Verpflanzung, Organtransplantation, Operationstisch, neu, neue, entnehmen, Entnahme | Portrait format, Female Doctor, Physician, Anesthesiologist, treatment, Surgeon, health, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Nursing, Nurse, Disease, Diseases, medicine, Medical staff, Anesthesia, narcosis, Introduction, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, renal failure, kidney donor, operating room, operating room nurse, Patients, female Patient, male nurse, sister, donor's kidney, Transplant surgery, Transplantation operating room, green, sterile, aseptic, Organ Donation, Organs, Transplant medicine, transplant, Organ transplantation, Operating table, new, remove, removal
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT59.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaEinbau der neuen Niere bei einer Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . |Implant of the new kidney during a kidney transplant in a hospital in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Aerztin, Anaesthesist, Behandlung, Chirurg, Einleitung, Feature, Gesundheit, Hochformat, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankenpflege, Krankenpfleger, Krankenschwester, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Narkose, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Operationssaal, Operationstisch, Organ, Organe, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Pfleger, Schwester, Spenderniere, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, Verpflanzung, gruen, neu, neue, steril, Symbol, Symbole, Symbolbild, Symbolfoto, Symbolisch | Female Doctor, Physician, Anesthesiologist, treatment, Surgeon, Introduction, health, Portrait format, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Nursing, Nurse, Disease, Diseases, medicine, Medical staff, Anesthesia, narcosis, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, operating room nurse, Operating table, Organs, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Patients, female Patient, male nurse, sister, donor's kidney, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, transplant, green, new, sterile, aseptic, Symbols, Icon Image, Representative photo, Symbolic
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT28.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaEntnahme einer Niere bei einem Nierenspender . Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . | Removal of a kidney donor's kidney . Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Aerzt, Aerzteteam, Anaesthesist, Behandlung, Blut, Chirurg, Detail, Einleitung, Feature, Gesundheit, Haende, Haende in Handschuhen, Hand, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankenpflege, Krankenpfleger, Krankenschwester, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Nahaufnahme, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Operationsbesteck, Operationssaal, Operationsteam, Organ, Organe, Organentnahme, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Querformat, Spenderniere, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, Verpflanzung, Wunde, blutig, gruen, offene Wunde, steril | Doctor, medical team, Anesthesiologist, treatment, blood, Surgeon, Introduction, health, hands, Hands in gloves, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Nursing, Nurse, Disease, Diseases, medicine, Medical staff, close up, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, operating room nurse, Surgical instruments, Operation Team, Organs, Organ removal, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Patients, female Patient, Landscape format, horizontal format, donor's kidney, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, transplant, wound, bloody, green, Open wound, sterile, aseptic
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT58.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaNierenspender und Anaesthesisten bei einer Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Kidney donor for a kidney transplant and anesthesiologists in a hospital in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Aerztin, Anaesthesist, Anaesthesisten, Anaesthesistin, Arzt, Feature, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krankenhaus, Krankenmappe, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Narkose, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, Operationssaal, Organ, Organe, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Patient, Patienten, Patientenmappe, Querformat, Spenderniere, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, Unterlagen, Vorbereitungssaal, steril, Operation | Female Doctor, Physician, Anesthesiologist, anesthesiologists, female anesthesiologist, Doctor, clinic, clinics, hospital, Patient's folder, medicine, Medical staff, Anesthesia, narcosis, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, Organs, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Patients, Patient's file, Landscape format, horizontal format, donor's kidney, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, Documents, Preparation room, sterile, aseptic, Operation
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT33.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaEinbau der neuen Niere bei einer Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . | Implant of the new kidney during a kidney transplant in a hospital in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Aerz, Anaesthesist, Behandlung, Chirurg, Einleitung, Feature, Gesundheit, Haende, Haende in Handschuhen, Hand, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankenpflege, Krankenpfleger, Krankenschwester, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Lebendtransplantation, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Narkose, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Operationssaal, Operationstisch, Organ, Organe, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Pfleger, Querformat, Schwester, Spenderniere, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, Verpflanzung, gruen, steril | doctor, Anesthesiologist, treatment, Surgeon, Introduction, health, hands, Hands in gloves, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Nursing, Nurse, Disease, Diseases, Living transplant, medicine, Medical staff, Anesthesia, narcosis, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, operating room nurse, Operating table, Organs, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Patients, female Patient, male nurse, Landscape format, horizontal format, sister, donor's kidney, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, transplant, green, sterile, aseptic
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT08.jpg
Caption: Dialysepatientin bei der Blutwaesche an einem Dialyse Geraet|Female dialysis patient getting her blood cleaned by a dialysis machineDialysepatientin bei der Blutwaesche an einem Dialyse Geraet . Bonn , Deutschland . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . 03.08.2010 . | Female dialysis patient getting her blood cleaned by a dialysis machine . Bonn , Germany . MODEL RELEASE available . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: 50 - 60 Jahre, 55 - 60 Jahre, Alltag, Behandlung, Blut, Blutdialyse, Blutreinigung, Blutreinigungsverfahren, Blutwaesche, Dialyse, Dialyse - Patient, Dialyse - Patientin, Dialysegeraet, Dialysepatient, Dialysepatientin, Dialysezentrum, Feature, Frau, Geraet, Gesundheit, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankenpflege, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Medizin, Niere, Nieren, Nierenerkrankung, Nierenersatztherapie, Niereninsuffizienz, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenversagen, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Pflege, Querformat, Schlaeuche, Schlauch, Therapie, kuenstliche Niere, weiblich | 50 - 60 years, 55 - 60 years, Everyday life, treatment, blood, Hemodialysis, blood cleaning, Extracorporeal Systems, Dialysis, Dialysis patient, female Dialysis patient, Dialysis machine, Dialysis Center, woman, device, health, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Nursing, Disease, Diseases, medicine, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, renal replacement therapy, renal failure, kidney illness, Patients, female Patient, care, Landscape format, horizontal format, tubes, tube, Therapy, artificial kidney, female
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT32.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaChirurg mit entnommener Niere bei einer Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . MODEL RELEASE vorhanden . | Surgeon with removed kidney during a kidney transplant in a hospital in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . MODEL RELEASE available . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Aerztin, Arzt, Behandlung, Brille, Chirurg, Feature, Gesundheit, Haende, Haende in Handschuhen, Hand, Hochformat, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Mann, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Operationssaal, Organ, Organe, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, entnommen, gruen, steril | Female Doctor, Physician, Doctor, treatment, glasses, Surgeon, health, hands, Hands in gloves, Portrait format, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Disease, Diseases, Man, medicine, Medical staff, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, operating room nurse, Organs, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, removed, green, sterile, aseptic
Dateiname: 040226_VW_GRA10.jpg
Datum: 24.02.2004
Ort: Wolfsburg
Bildnachweis: U. Grabowsky/
Caption: Auto ProduktionIm Volkswagen Werk in Wolfsburg werden die neuen Golf A5 auf dem Finishband auf Herz und Nieren geprueft , Wolfsburg , 24.02.2004. , © by U. Grabowsky/ WIRTSCHAFT # SYMBOL , SYMBOLE , SYMBOLBILD, LOGO , LOGOS, FEATURE, FIRMENLOGO , VOLKSWAGEN , VW , , ARBEIT , PRODUKTION, AUTO , AUTOMOBIL , AUTOMOBILINDUTRIE , ARBEITER , , MANN , MAENNER , MONTAGE , SCHICHTARBEIT , STEHEN , STEHEND , FLIESSBAND , 35-45 JAHRE ALT,
Dateiname: 040226_VW_GRA13.jpg