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Dateiname: 120203_TFEA_PHT78.jpg
Datum: 03.02.2012
Ort: Teremukus
Bildnachweis: Thomas Trutschel/
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Caption: NomadenNomaden in Nordkenia. Teremukus, Kenia. 03.02.2012. Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Dritte Welt, 3.Welt, Third World, developing world, Feature, Frau, woman, Frauen, women, weiblich, female, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Nordkenia, Kenia, North Kenia, Teremukus, Nomadenfrau, Nomaden, nomadic poeple, nomadic woman, Schmuck, Perlenschmuck, Halsschmuck, Piercing, pearl jewellery, jewellery, jewelry, Soziales, social, Einheimische, locals, natives, Lebensform, way of life, Lebensstil, lifestyle, Kleidung, Bekleidung, clothing, costume, clothes, Hand, Haende, hands, Tradition, Traditionell, traditional, nomadisch, nomadische, nomadisches, nomadischer, Alltag, everyday life, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Gesellschaft, society, Volksstamm, Nomadenstamm, tribe, Hilfsgueter, relief goods, aid goods, Einzelperson, single person, Junge Frau, young woman, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, tragen, carrying, Sack, Saecke, bag, bags
Dateiname: 120203_TFEA_PHT21.jpg
Caption: Nomaden in NordkeniaNomaden in Nordkenia. Teremukus, Kenia. 03.02.2012. Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Gruppe, group, Einige, some, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Feature, Ethnizitaet, ethnicity, Afrikaner, African, Africans, afrikanisch, afrikanischer, afrikanisches, afrikanische, Afrikanerin, Afrikanerinnen, Alltag, everyday life, Natur, nature, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Soziales, social, Einheimische, locals, natives, Gesellschaft, society, Lebensform, way of life, Lebensstil, lifestyle, Umwelt, environment, Duerre, drought, aridity, Trockenheit, trocken, dry, dryness, Nomaden, nomadisch, nomadische, nomadischer, nomadisches, Nomadic, nomad, nomadic people, Frau, woman, Frauen, women, weiblich, female, Teremukus, Kenia, heiss, hot, gehend, gehen, geht, laufen, laeuft, going, walk, walking, wandern, Wanderung, hiking, hike, Nomadenvolk, Nomadenstamm, Volksstamm, Naturvolk, Naturvoelker, Volk, Voelker, Nomade, Landschaft, landscape, primitive people
Dateiname: 120203_TFEA_PHT76.jpg
Caption: NomadenNomaden in Nordkenia. Teremukus, Kenia. 03.02.2012. KEIN MODEL RELEASE vorhanden, NO MODEL RELEASE . Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Dritte Welt, 3.Welt, Third World, developing world, Feature, Frau, woman, Frauen, women, weiblich, female, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Nordkenia, Kenia, North Kenia, Teremukus, Nomadenfrau, Nomaden, nomadic poeple, nomadic woman, Schmuck, Perlenschmuck, Halsschmuck, Piercing, pearl jewellery, jewellery, jewelry, Soziales, social, Einheimische, locals, natives, Lebensform, way of life, Lebensstil, lifestyle, Kleidung, Bekleidung, clothing, costume, clothes, Hand, Haende, hands, Tradition, Traditionell, traditional, nomadisch, nomadische, nomadisches, nomadischer, Alltag, everyday life, Kind, Kinder, child, children, Kleinkind, infant, 1-3 Jahre, 1-3 years, 1-3, Junge Frau, young woman, 25-30 Jahre, 25-30 years, 25-30, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Einige, some, Gesellschaft, society, Volksstamm, Nomadenstamm, tribe
Dateiname: 120203_TFEA_PHT77.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Dritte Welt, 3.Welt, Third World, developing world, Feature, Frau, woman, Frauen, women, weiblich, female, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Nordkenia, Kenia, North Kenia, Teremukus, Nomadenfrau, Nomaden, nomadic poeple, nomadic woman, Schmuck, Perlenschmuck, Halsschmuck, Piercing, pearl jewellery, jewellery, jewelry, Soziales, social, Einheimische, locals, natives, Lebensform, way of life, Lebensstil, lifestyle, Kleidung, Bekleidung, clothing, costume, clothes, Hand, Haende, hands, Tradition, Traditionell, traditional, nomadisch, nomadische, nomadisches, nomadischer, Alltag, everyday life, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Einige, some, Gesellschaft, society, Volksstamm, Nomadenstamm, tribe, Hilfsgueter, relief goods, aid goods