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Dateiname: 210126_UFEAT_PHT01.jpg
Datum: 26.01.2021
Ort: Bonn
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky/
Caption: Operation im KrankenhausThema: Krankenhaus, Operationen im Krankenhaus in Bonn, 26.01.2021.
Stichworte: Feature Symbolfoto Symbolbild Symbol picture symbol image Symbol Symbole Symbolisch symbols symbolic creative Featurethemen Gesundheit Health Gesundheitswesen Gesundheitspolitik Gesundheitssystem Health care health care reform health policy health system Medizin Medicine Medizintechnik Medical Medizinische Behandlung Krankenhaus Krankenhaeuser Klinik Klinikum Kliniken Hospital hospitals clinic clinics Hygiene hygienisch hygienische hygienischer hygienisches hygienic sanitary Medizinisches Personal Medical staff Aerztin Aerztinnen Specialist doctors female doctor Arzt Aerzte Doktor Medical doctors doctor OP-Schwestern OP-Pfleger Operation Operating room nurses surgical nurses surgery Wirtschaft Economy Oekonomie Unternehmen Firma Company Konzern Kosten Fallpauschale Justiz Schmerzensgeld Kunstfehler cost case rate justice pain and suffering malpractice Stress Konzentration concentration Teamarbeit Team Operationsteam Staff Arztpraxis Schulmedizin operieren operate offene Wunde Bakterien Antibiotika open wound bacteria antibiotics Europa Germany
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT62.jpg
Datum: 03.08.2010
Urheber-Info: Tel. +492195932470, www. photothek .net. Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt ! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaNierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . | Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Aerzteteam, Aerztin, Anaesthesist, Behandlung, Chirurg, Einleitung, Feature, Gesundheit, Klinik, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaus, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Narkose, Niere, Nieren, Nierenspender, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Operationssaal, Operationsteam, Operationstisch, Organ, Organe, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Pfleger, Querformat, Schwester, Spenderniere, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, Uebersicht, Verpflanzung, gruen, steril | medical team, Female Doctor, Physician, Anesthesiologist, treatment, Surgeon, Introduction, health, clinic, hospital, sick, ill, medicine, Medical staff, Anesthesia, narcosis, kidney, kidneys, kidney donor, operating room, operating room nurse, Operation Team, Operating table, Organs, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Patients, female Patient, male nurse, Landscape format, horizontal format, sister, donor's kidney, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, general view, transplant, green, sterile, aseptic
Dateiname: 100803_UTRAN_PHT28.jpg
Caption: Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen|Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - WestphaliaEntnahme einer Niere bei einem Nierenspender . Nierentransplantation in einer Klinik in Nordrhein - Westfalen . 03.08.2010 . | Removal of a kidney donor's kidney . Kidney transplantation in a clinic in North Rhine - Westphalia . 03.08.2010 . |Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/|
Stichworte: Aerzt, Aerzteteam, Anaesthesist, Behandlung, Blut, Chirurg, Detail, Einleitung, Feature, Gesundheit, Haende, Haende in Handschuhen, Hand, Klinik, Kliniken, Klinikum, Krank, Krankenhaeuser, Krankenhaus, Krankenpflege, Krankenpfleger, Krankenschwester, Krankheit, Krankheiten, Medizin, Medizinisches Personal, Nahaufnahme, Niere, Nieren, Nierenkrank, Nierenkrankheit, Nierenleiden, Nierenspender, Nierenversagen, OP, OPSchwester, Operation, Operationsbesteck, Operationssaal, Operationsteam, Organ, Organe, Organentnahme, Organspende, Organtransplantation, Patient, Patienten, Patientin, Querformat, Spenderniere, Transplantation, Transplantation - OP, Transplantationsmedizin, Transplantationsoperation, Verpflanzung, Wunde, blutig, gruen, offene Wunde, steril | Doctor, medical team, Anesthesiologist, treatment, blood, Surgeon, Introduction, health, hands, Hands in gloves, clinic, clinics, hospital, sick, ill, Hospitals, Nursing, Nurse, Disease, Diseases, medicine, Medical staff, close up, kidney, kidneys, kidney disease, kidney illness, kidney donor, renal failure, operating room, operating room nurse, Surgical instruments, Operation Team, Organs, Organ removal, Organ Donation, Organ transplantation, Patients, female Patient, Landscape format, horizontal format, donor's kidney, Transplantation operating room, Transplant medicine, Transplant surgery, transplant, wound, bloody, green, Open wound, sterile, aseptic