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Dateiname: 120120_UAFRI_PHT14.jpg
Datum: 20.01.2012
Ort: Bujagali
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky/
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Caption: Embankment dam in BujagaliZwei spanische Mitarbeiter der Firma Bel am Staudamm Projekt in Bujagali. Uganda , Afrika. 20.01.2012. Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Staudamm, Staudaemme, Damm, Daemme, embankment dam, dam, embankment dams, dams, Bujagali, Uganda, Bauindustrie, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Energiewirtschaft, Energiegewinnung, Energieversorgung, energy industry, energy economics, energy generation, energy extraction, Talsperre, Stromerzeugung, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Spanier, spanisch, Spanish, Spaniard, spanische, spanischer, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Helm, Schutzhelm, helmet, head protection, hard hat, Helme, Schutzhelme, helmets, hard hats, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Firma, Bel, company
Dateiname: 120120_UAFRI_PHT13.jpg
Caption: Embankment dam in BujagaliStaudamm Projekt in Bujagali. Uganda , Afrika. 20.01.2012. Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Afrikaner, African, Africans, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Staudamm, Staudaemme, Damm, Daemme, embankment dam, dam, embankment dams, dams, Bujagali, Uganda, Bauindustrie, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Energiewirtschaft, Energiegewinnung, Energieversorgung, energy industry, energy economics, energy generation, energy extraction, Talsperre, Stromerzeugung, Schild, Zeichen, Schilder, sign, signs, Hinweisschild, Hinweisschilder, information sign, information signs, work in progress, rost, rostig, verrostetes, verrostet, rust, rusty, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, afrikanisch, afrikanischer, afrikanisches, afrikanische
Dateiname: 120120_UAFRI_PHT16.jpg
Stichworte: Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Feature, Afrika, Africa, Staudamm, Staudaemme, Damm, Daemme, embankment dam, dam, embankment dams, dams, Bujagali, Uganda, Bauindustrie, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Energiewirtschaft, Energiegewinnung, Energieversorgung, energy industry, energy economics, energy generation, energy extraction, Talsperre, Stromerzeugung, Wasser, Alternative Energien, Oekostrom, alternative energies, green electricity, Erneuerbare Energie, Regenerative Energie, Regenerierbar, Regenerativ, renewable energy, renewable energy source, regenerative energy sources, renewable, Architektur, architecture, Bauwerk, Bauwerke, Staumauer, Staumauern, Schleuse, Schleusen, concrete dam, concrete dams, retaining wall, retaining walls, lock, locks, elektrischer Strom, Natur, Naturlandschaft, power sattion, power supply, power consumption, Umweltschutz, Wasserkraftwerk, Wasserkraftwerke, afrikanisch, afrikanischer, afrikanisches, afrikanische
Dateiname: 120120_UAFRI_PHT15.jpg
Caption: Embankment dam in BujagaliAfrikanische Mitarbeiter der Firma Bel am Staudamm Projekt in Bujagali. Uganda , Afrika. 20.01.2012. Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Staudamm, Staudaemme, Damm, Daemme, embankment dam, dam, embankment dams, dams, Bujagali, Uganda, Bauindustrie, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Energiewirtschaft, Energiegewinnung, Energieversorgung, energy industry, energy economics, energy generation, energy extraction, Talsperre, Stromerzeugung, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Arbeitskleidung, Berufskleidung, workwear, working clothes, professional clothing, Helm, Schutzhelm, helmet, head protection, hard hat, Helme, Schutzhelme, helmets, hard hats, Arbeitsbedingungen, conditions of employment, conditions of work, Firma, company, Bel, Afrikaner, African, Africans, Schwarze, Schwarzer, dunkelhaeutige, farbige, dark-skinned, afrikanisch, afrikanische, afrikanischer, afrikanisches, orange, gelb, yellow, gelbe, gelber
Dateiname: 120120_UAFRI_PHT17.jpg
Caption: Embankment dam in BujagaliEinbau einer Turbine am Staudamm Projekt in Bujagali. Uganda , Afrika. 20.01.2012. Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Afrikaner, African, Africans, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Staudamm, Staudaemme, Damm, Daemme, embankment dam, dam, embankment dams, dams, Bujagali, Uganda, Bauindustrie, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Energiewirtschaft, Energiegewinnung, Energieversorgung, energy industry, energy economics, energy generation, energy extraction, Talsperre, Stromerzeugung, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Turbine, Wasserturbine, hydroelectric turbine, Einbau, installing, hydro turbine, water turbine, Von Oben, Vogelperspektive, top view, from above, bird's eye view, Werkstatt, repair shop, garage, Industrie, industry, Maschine, Maschinenbau, mechanical engineering, afrikanisch, afrikanischer, afrikanisches, afrikanische
Dateiname: 120120_UAFRI_PHT08.jpg
Stichworte: Hochformat, HF, Upright Format, Menschen, People, Person, Entwicklungsland, Entwicklungslaender, developing contry, developing nation, developing countries, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Arbeitskraefte, Belegschaft, workforce, workmen, Arbeitsplaetze, jobs, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Kran, Kraene, crane, cranes, Fahrzeug, Fahrzeuge, vehicle, vehicles, motor vehicle, motor vehicles, Nutzfahrzeug, Nutzfahrzeuge, Baumaschine, Baumaschinen, utility vehicle, utility vehicles, construction vehicle, construction vehicles, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, Afrikaner, African, Africans, Laender, countries, Afrika, Africa, Staudamm, Staudaemme, Damm, Daemme, embankment dam, dam, embankment dams, dams, Bujagali, Uganda, Bauindustrie, Baukran, Baukraene, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Energiewirtschaft, Energiegewinnung, Energieversorgung, energy industry, energy economics, energy generation, energy extraction, Talsperre, Wasser, Stromerzeugung, afrikanisch, afrikanischer, afrikanisches, afrikanische