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Dateiname: 120602_TBMZ_PHT36.jpg
Datum: 02.06.2012
Ort: Batumi
Bildnachweis: Thomas Trutschel/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +493028097440 - - Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: Waschtag in BatumiWaescheleinen in einem Hinterhof in Batumi. Batumi, Georgien. 02.06.2012. Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Uebersicht, overview, Feature, Alltag, everyday life, Haushalt, household, Stadt, city, Stadtleben, city life, Strassenszene, street setting, street scenery, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, building, Leine, Leinen, Waescheleine, Waescheleinen, Waschtag, Hinterhof, backyard, line, lines, laundry, washing, clothing, clothesline, clothes, Waesche, waschen, Batumi, Georgien, Georgia, trocknen, drying, trockende, trocknet, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements
Dateiname: 120427_USAUER_PHT29.jpg
Datum: 27.04.2012
Ort: Bonn
Bildnachweis: Ute Grabowsky/
Urheber-Info: Tel. +492195932470, www. photothek .net. Jegliche Verwendung nur gegen Honorar und Beleg. Urheber-/Agenturvermerk wird nach Paragraph13 UrhG ausdruecklich verlangt ! Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere AGB.
Caption: WaermedaemmungHandwerker beim Verputzen eines Waermeverbund Sytems an einer Hauswand eines Mehrfamilienhauses. Bonn, Deutschland. 27.04.2012 . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: 30-35, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, Alltag, Arbeit, Arbeiter, Arbeitskraft, Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitswelt, Aussenwand, Bau, Bauarbeiter, Bauen, Baumaterial, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, Beruf, Berufe, Berufsleben, Berufstaetigkeit, Bonn, Daemmmaterial, Daemmung, Deutschland, Einige, Energie, Feature, Gebaeude, Germany, Haeuser, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, Haus, Hausdaemmung, Hauswand, Immobilien, Isoliermaterial, Job, Leiharbeiter, Maenner, Mann, Mehrfamilienhaus, Menschen, Mietshaus, Modernisierung, Neubau, People, Person, QF, Querformat, Sanierung, Schwarzarbeit, Strom, Waermedaemmung, Waermeverbund System, Waermeverbundsystem, Wirtschaft, Wohnblock, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnhaus, anbringen, apartment building, apartment buildings, apartment house, block of buildings, building, building and construction industry, building construction, building industry, building material, construction, construction material, construction site, construction worker, construction workers, craftsman, craftsmen, daemmen, ecological modernisation, economy, electricity, employment, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy, energy-saving, everyday life, exterior wall, heat insulation, horizontal format, house, houses, insulate, insulating, insulating material, insulation, isolieren, landscape format, maennlich, male, man, manpower, men, mounting, multi-family house, multifamily residence, new construction, occupation, plastering, profession, real estate, reinstatement, residential building, residential buildings, some, tenement, tenements, thermal insulation, trade, upgrading, verputzen, work, worker, workers, working environment, working life, working world
Dateiname: 120427_USAUER_PHT28.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Berufe, Beruf, profession, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Wirtschaft, economy, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Baumaterial, building material, construction material, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Immobilien, real estate, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, Waermedaemmung, Daemmung, daemmen, isolieren, Daemmmaterial, Hausdaemmung, Hauswand, insulation, insulating, insulate, Isoliermaterial, insulating material, heat insulation, thermal insulation, anbringen, mounting, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy-saving, Bonn, Germany, Deutschland, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, vier, four, vier Personen, four persons, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Waermeverbundsystem, Waermeverbund System, Aussenwand, exterior wall, Sanierung, Modernisierung, reinstatement, upgrading, ecological modernisation, verputzen, plastering
Dateiname: 120427_USAUER_PHT27.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Berufe, Beruf, profession, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Wirtschaft, economy, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Baumaterial, building material, construction material, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Immobilien, real estate, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, Waermedaemmung, Daemmung, daemmen, isolieren, Daemmmaterial, Hausdaemmung, Hauswand, insulation, insulating, insulate, Isoliermaterial, insulating material, heat insulation, thermal insulation, anbringen, mounting, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy-saving, Bonn, Germany, Deutschland, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Drei, three, Drei Personen, three persons, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Waermeverbundsystem, Waermeverbund System, Aussenwand, exterior wall, Sanierung, Modernisierung, reinstatement, upgrading, ecological modernisation, verputzen, plastering
Dateiname: 120427_USAUER_PHT30.jpg
Stichworte: Menschen, People, Person, Feature, Mann, man, Maenner, men, maennlich, male, 30-35 Jahre, 30-35 years, 30-35, Alltag, everyday life, Arbeit, work, Arbeitswelt, Berufsleben, Job, working world, working environment, working life, Arbeiter, worker, workers, Arbeitskraft, manpower, Arbeitsplatz, employment, Berufe, Beruf, profession, Handwerker, Handwerksberuf, craftsman, craftsmen, trade, Berufstaetigkeit, occupation, Wirtschaft, economy, Energie, Strom, energy, electricity, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Baumaterial, building material, construction material, Bauarbeiter, construction worker, construction workers, Immobilien, real estate, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, Waermedaemmung, Daemmung, daemmen, isolieren, Daemmmaterial, Hausdaemmung, Hauswand, insulation, insulating, insulate, Isoliermaterial, insulating material, heat insulation, thermal insulation, anbringen, mounting, energiesparend, energiesparende, energiesparender, energiesparendes, energy-saving, Bonn, Germany, Deutschland, Querformat, QF, horizontal format, landscape format, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Waermeverbundsystem, Waermeverbund System, Aussenwand, exterior wall, Sanierung, Modernisierung, reinstatement, upgrading, ecological modernisation, verputzen, plastering, Einige, some
Dateiname: 120424_Urege_PHT96.jpg
Datum: 24.04.2012
Ort: Alsbach-Haehnlein
Caption: MehrfamilienhausWohnsiedlung in Alsbach-Haehnlein, Deutschland. 24.04.2012 . Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/
Stichworte: begruente, greened, Satellitenschuesseln, Hochformat, HF, Upright Format, Menschenleer, Niemand, nobody, Keine Person, no person, Keine Personen, Keiner, Deutschland, Germany, Feature, Stadt, city, Stadtleben, city life, Immobilien, real estate, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, building, Wohnhaus, Wohnhaeuser, Wohnblock, Mietshaus, apartment building, residential building, apartment buildings, residential buildings, block of buildings, tenement, tenements, Aussenansicht, Aussen, Aussenaufnahme, exterior view, exterior, Architektur, architecture, Fassade, Hausfassade, facade, face of a building, gruen, green, gruene, gruener, gruenes, bewachsen, bewachsene, Alsbach, Alsbach-Haehnlein, Mehrfamilienhaus, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Satellitenschuessel, rooftop dish, rooftop dishes, satellite dish, satellite dishes
Dateiname: 080609_TFEA_PHT01.jpg
Datum: 09.06.2008
Ort: Saalfeld
Caption: HausabrissHausabriss. Saalfeld, Deutschland. 09.06.08. Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/
Stichworte: Quadrat, quadratisch, quadrate, Niemand, nobody, Wirtschaft, economy, Bau, Bauen, Neubau, Baustelle, Baustellen, Bauwirtschaft, construction, building, construction site, building construction, building and construction industry, building industry, new construction, Bauarbeiten, construction work, Bauwesen, construction engineering, Eigenheim, Einfamilienhaus, homestead, home, one-family home, one family home, family home, Stadt, city, Architektur, architecture, Immobilien, real estate, Gebaeude, Haus, Haeuser, house, houses, Mehrfamilienhaus, apartment building, multi-family house, apartment house, multifamily residence, Feature, abreissen, demolishing, tearing down, abbrechen, Abbrucharbeit, Abbrucharbeiten, Abrissarbeiten, Abrissunternehmen, Bauwerk, Bauwerke, zerstoeren, Zerstoerung, Wohnraum, Wohnen, Wohnung, apartment, flat, residence, tenement, living, Baufirma, Einsturz, Einsturzgefahr, Deutschland, Germany, vernichten, vernichtet, vernichtung, Wohnungswesen, destruction, Wohngebiet, Thueringen, Ostdeutschland, ostdeutsch, demolition, Fassade, Hausfassade, facade, face of a building, Haeuserfront, row of houses, terrace front, Fenster, window